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Call for comments: Concordia's president and vice-chancellor

The deadline to submit written comments is Friday, August 25
July 12, 2023

Smiling man wearing blue suit and tie

Concordia President Graham Carr’s first term ends in December 2024, and he has confirmed he will be seeking a second term.

When a president seeks renewal of their term, Concordia’s Board of Governors establishes the President Evaluation Committee. This committee, chaired by the chair of Concordia’s Board of Governors, Helen Antoniou, evaluates the performance of Graham Carr in his role as president and vice-chancellor.

Members of the university community are invited to make brief written submissions to the committee to assist in its work, using the evaluation criteria to guide their preparation of submissions.

All comments must be signed or come from an identifiable email address.  All comments submitted to the President Evaluation Committee will be treated in the strictest confidence. Only the secretary and chair of the committee will be privy to the identity of the person submitting the comments.

While the committee may wish to discuss the content of the submissions with Graham Carr, the submissions themselves will not be communicated to him or to anyone beyond the committee.

The evaluation process is governed by the Policy on the Employment and Remuneration of Senior Administrators, Deputy Provosts, Vice-Provosts and Associate Vice-Presidents (BD-8) concerning the evaluation of senior administrators.

Submissions should be emailed to Karan Singh, associate secretary-general and secretary of the committee no later than 5 p.m., on August 25, 2023.

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