Back to school? It's time to get your money in order!

Back-to-school season is a good time to start thinking about how you’re going to manage your money between now and next summer.
You may know how much tuition is going to cost and how much you’ve earned or saved over the summer for school, but you need to think about other investments you’ll be making — on things like transport, textbooks, rent, food and so on.
Nadine Beauvais, service assistant with Concordia’s Financial Aid and Awards Office (FAAO), explains the key is to make sure you have a handle on how much you’re spending.
“A budget is a good way to make sure you are organizing your spending in a sustainable and healthy way,” she says.
Luckily, you’re not alone. The FAAO has strategies that will help you keep your pocketbook healthy and happy throughout the school year, including an online guide to making a budget.
Find out more about the Financial Aid and Awards Office.