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A mother’s love of learning provides a daughter’s invaluable lessons

Truus van Ginhoven: Mom, author and student for life
May 6, 2022
By Vanessa Sax, BComm 91


Time and again, my mother, Truus van Ginhoven (née Schipper), has demonstrated that age is nothing but a number.

At 66 she graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2000. And this past November, at 87, she published her first book, A Meat-Free Meal for Every Day of the Week.

My mom was 20 years old when she emigrated to Kingston, Ont. from the Netherlands in 1954. After the war, the Dutch government was encouraging emigration, and my mom's family was sponsored by friends in Canada. The first of her family to emigrate, she found work and prepared for the rest of her family to join her six months later.

During and after the war, Mom was needed at her parents’ grocery store — as a result, she did not finish high school. It was one of the most difficult parts of her youth. Once in Canada, one of the first things Mom did was to apply to school. She was determined to obtain her high-school diploma and did so through correspondence courses, all while working to support her parents and siblings.

After a few years, Mom moved to Montreal, where she met my dad, Martin, a fellow Dutch immigrant. She established a pottery business, and then, after a terrible car accident delayed their wedding, my parents were finally married in November of 1964. I was born three years later and my sister Kristen followed in 1972.

In the fall of 1984, several years after a move to the United States, Mom’s next big educational goal began when she started her college journey at SUNY Plattsburgh. Having always wanted to pursue a bachelor's degree, she decided to join me as I took classes there in my last year of high school.

It certainly was interesting to take my first college classes with my mom. I’ll never forget sitting in front of her in a class about to start a test, and Mom tapping my shoulder saying, “I don’t remember anything!” Looking back, being able to calm her down and encourage her during the beginning of her pursuit of her degree was an honour. 

With a move back to Quebec in the summer of 1985, Mom then continued her studies with me at Concordia University, taking two classes each term. We used to take the bus or drive together from the Laurentians, north of Montreal, for our classes. I don’t remember it being strange or intrusive. It was just what we did. 

Mom loved her time at Concordia. While her grades were average, the pursuit of knowledge was what was so exciting to her. Studying, papers and exams were all challenging for Mom.

She persevered because she enjoyed her classes — the learning, the interaction with the professors and students, and knowing she was working towards her goal of obtaining a university degree. She was welcomed in all of her classes by professors and students alike and was never made to feel out of place. To this day, she remembers many discussions with classmates. 

After I graduated, she continued on to obtain her Bachelor of Arts degree on May 19, 2000. 

At age 66, Truus van Ginhoven received her Bachelor of Arts degree on May 19, 2000.

Mom instilled her love of learning in both me and my sister by example in her day-to-day life. Whether it was art or music classes, her love of gardening, cooking and reading, attending lectures, dinner discussions or university classes, Mom was always — and continues to be —engaged in learning and trying new things.

By trying and persevering, even when it got hard — as it sometimes did pursuing a degree as a mature student or writing a cookbook at age 87 — she showed us that it’s never too late to learn and achieve your goals. 

And she continues to inspire. In 2021 Mom was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Never complaining during her treatment, she always stayed positive by saying “people go through worse things” and “this too shall pass.” 

It’s through her determination that Mom forges ahead through life, inspiring those around her — her family, her friends and all who meet her. 

Mother and daughter: Truus van Ginhoven, BA 00, and Vanessa Sax, BComm 91

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