The Millennium Financial Suite upgrade was completed over the weekend.
Prior to using the system, make sure to do the following:
- Clear your browser's cache
WikiHow has detailed instructions for the most common browsers's-Cache
- Disable compatibility view in Internet Explorer (IE)
Disabling compatibility view
a) Open Internet Explorer.
b) Click Tools.
i) Pressing ALT+T will also bring up the "Tools" drop-down menu.
c) If Compatibility View is checked, click it to remove the checkmark.
d) Click Tools again.
e) Select Compatibility View Settings.
i) Make sure "" is not listed under "Websites you've added to Compatibility View."
(If "" is listed, remove it.)
ii) Make sure that the "Display all websites in Compatibility View" checkbox is unchecked.
f) Close and reopen Internet Explorer.
Note that Millennium now supports the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and IE.
- Remember to use % as the wildcard symbol
For example, when searching for vendor code in the Web Requisition module,
enter it in the following format: %vendor% (Eg. for Metafore, enter %metafore%)
If you have any other questions or you discover any issues, please report them immediately through or
Thank you for your understanding.