We would like to draw your attention to some important changes in the use of grant funds.
Computer and Electronic Communications
The Tri-council funding agencies have revised their guidelines on “Use of Grant Funds” for Computer and Electronic Communication. Adequate justification is now required when purchasing the following on Tri-Council grants:
From the “Use of Grant Funds” section “Computers and Electronic Communications”
- Computers, tablets, modems, emerging technology and other hardware and/or specialized software required for the research not normally provided by the institution, and with adequate justification.
As of this date, all purchases for the above will require “adequate justification” provided by the researcher.
Following are examples providing adequate justification, which should be included in the web requisition sent to Purchasing:
1) Should clearly demonstrate a direct cost of research & necessary for the research.
2) Should be a best use of funds – economic and efficient.
3) For safety on the field.
4) For development of software apps.
5) For recording, filming and scanning capabilities.
6) For computer capabilities.
If it is not for one or more of the above reasons, please request the approval directly from the Tri-Council and attach the information received with your web requisition.
7) Other……………………. (Specify).
These are examples of inadequate justification.
1) Basic communication purposes or simply for convenience.
2) Used for administrative and academic purposes.
3) Personal gain to the researcher.
Participant/Subject Fees:
New Procedure: When paying compensation to participants, the following steps must be taken:
1. If the funds are required in advance, please submit a cheque requisition to Accounts Payable, with a description of the name of the research project and number of participants expected to be paid.
2. In June of each year, Restricted Funds will request the following supporting documentation for all participant fees paid in the previous fiscal year (April 1 - March 31).
a. Proof of payment of compensation (e.g. signed receipts by the researcher, coded list of participants, dates, amounts). For privacy protection this can be provided in a sealed envelope.
b. Receipts for any non-monetary compensation given to participants (e.g. gift cards).
c. Attestation by the researcher or anyone else involved in the distribution of the compensation as to the number of participants who received compensation.
Participants' identifying information should not be sent unless they signed a consent form to have it released to Financial Services.
Travel/Conference Expenses: Please make sure the following practice is adhered to:
Individuals claiming travel-related expenses from a grant must prepare a separate claim for each trip. These claims must also conform to the standard travel policies and procedures of the grantee's institution. For claimants other than the grantee, the affiliation with the grantee's research group must be specified (e.g. student, visiting collaborator). If the traveler is a research assistant, the claim must be signed by the grantee. In the event that the traveler is the grantee or a visiting researcher, the claim must be countersigned by the department head or dean confirming the relevance of the travel to the research being funded.
Clarification on Filling out Travel Expense Reports:
All expense reports for research travel require “mandatory information” to be provided:

All conferences including local (i.e. Montreal) require this mandatory information. Also, all conference expenses require a conference agenda. If your expense report does not have this box, please attach a copy of the above box to your expense report.
If incomplete, you will be contacted by Accounts Payable.
For researchers holding Tri-Council or provincial grants, please be reminded that you will receive an e-mail requesting your approval of your annual statements on-line. If Concordia does not meet the deadline of submitting the duly signed statements by the end of June, our research community can be penalized by the funding agencies.
For any questions please feel free to contact Restricted Funds.