Meet Sophie Lemieux

If you've ever taken a workshop at Concordia Continuing Education, there's a good chance you've had the pleasure of learning with Sophie Lemieux. Over the years, Sophie has given more than 250 classes and workshops on a wide range of management-related subjects like delegating, coaching, becoming a person of influence, creativity, team-building and more. She holds MBA, is a C.Adm. , a Certified Management ConsultantTM, a Registered Corporate CoachTM; and, as if that weren't enough, she's the mother of two young and very active children. So you probably won't be surprised to learn that Sophie is also a widely recognized expert in time management.
Like so many people at CCE, Sophie is a life-long learner. And one of the things she enjoys most about leading her workshops is the people themselves. They're curious, eager to learn and enthusiastic, interested and interesting. It's a highly motivating group dynamic that pushes Sophie to be her very best. In her workshops as in her life, Sophie strives to create an atmosphere where everyone learns from one another, where each participant is encouraged to contribute. At the end of her workshops, Sophie often feels as though she's learned as much as her participants. For her, the joy of teaching is intimately connected to the joy of learning.
To put it simply, Sophie is a people-person. She'll gladly take part in just about any activity as long as there are other people involved. Alone, there's always something missing. Whether she's at home with the kids, consulting with board members or training groups in her workshops, Sophie feels an immense sense of honour accompanying others as they learn and grow.