Validation of Competencies at Concordia? Yes!

There’s a dire shortage of competent workers and professionals in Canada. And it’s hurting our economy. To make things worse, we’ve got a pool of talent that’s going to waste. In fact, one study of 50,000 Canadian cab drivers showed that a startling number were immigrants with solid experience and even degrees in fields like communications, business and architecture to only name a few. Then there are countless others trying to get back into the workforce after an extended hiatus but with little success. The problem in both cases? Potential employers have limited methods for validating their knowledge and competency, so all that talent sits by idly… underworked and underappreciated.
Concordia University has a clear message for those people and many others: We believe in you! To prove it, a new service has been designed to help meet society’s need for a skilled workforce, while ensuring individuals get the credible, accredited recognition they deserve: The Validation of Competency Service. This bold new offering, part of Concordia’s desire to lead the way in lifelong learning, will be launched this January, with the first area of expertise to undergo validation being Leadership. The material being used to validate skills in leadership is from Concordia Continuing Education’s Leadership program.
Heading up this new service is someone with vast experience in the area of validation of competencies: Fabien Cornu, a self-described ‘immigrant’ from France who knows exactly what it feels like to have to prove himself anew. Following years of experience helping French ex-military personnel convert their skills into job opportunities, Fabien worked for the French Ministry of Education developing an all-new validation of competency program offered in a variety of academic and professional settings across the country. More than most, Fabien has seen the highly positive and lasting impact this type of service has on individuals, businesses and society itself.
Back at Concordia, the validation of leadership competency begins this January. Fabien and his team have developed a process that includes background interviews, coaching and the creation of a personal portfolio showcasing learning outcomes that will ultimately be validated by content experts. For people with the required experience, knowledge and skills, it’s a faster, more respectful way to get the official recognition and validation they need to put their talent to work for the good of all.
If you’d like to learn more about the Validation of Competencies service, please visit the Validation of Competencies website or to arrange your own screening interview, contact Fabien Cornu, Coordinator, Validation of Competencies.