2022 tax slips – Aide Financière aux études (AFE)
Please note that if a document is required for your 2022 income tax return, a tax slip will appear in My Student Financial Assistance Account in your AFE student portal. If one does not appear it means that no documents are applicable for your file.
The tax statements issued by AFE are:
- Relevés 1 and T4A (employment and other income)
- The amount shown on the Relevés 1 or T4A is the amount of loan converted to a bursary, the amount of debt forgiveness, or the amount of scholarship received under the Student Retention and Success Scholarship Program during 2022
- Tax Statement - Award Overpayment
- This letter confirms the amount students paid during the 2022 year in relation to the refund of an award overpayment
- Tax Statement - Interest on Your Student Debt
- This letter confirms the amount of interest students paid to the Collections Department during 2022 related to the repayment of a student debt