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Graduates give back in true Jesuit style

Loyola Alumni Association endows $60,000 fund for student scholarships
September 4, 2014
By Marilla Steuter-Martin

Donal Ryan, BComm 67, says it’s fitting that the final act of the Loyola Alumni Association (LAA) was to set up an endowment for student scholarships.

“Giving back is an important value that was always part of Loyola (one of Concordia’s founding institutions),” he says. “The Jesuits did a lot for the community.”

As a result of the amalgamation of the Loyola Alumni Association with the Association of Alumni of Sir George Williams University and the Concordia University Alumni Association, the LAA’s board of directors found themselves in a position to donate what remained of their operating funds to benefit future students.

The $60,000 endowment will immediately fund a scholarship in the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability, which Ryan says represents Loyola’s namesake and the principles of the Jesuit education.

“It encompasses a multi-disciplinary curriculum, which is very much aligned with the Jesuit approach to learning,” says Ryan.

Loyola Campus

Contribute to the Loyola College Alumni Endowment


He feels that the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability curriculum, which cover a variety of disciplines, helps foster a truly well-rounded educational experience.

After joining the LAA board of directors in 2008, Ryan became the president in 2009.

Loyola alumni have long been committed to supporting student success, having donated millions to scholarships over the years. In addition, members of the LAA spearheaded the $4-million fundraising campaign to support the refurbishment of the Loyola Jesuit Hall and Conference Centre.

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