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Concordia Parents Association unveiled

Out-of-town parents and students greeted at Parents Welcome Reception
September 11, 2015
By Salim Valji

A beautiful summer evening, a lively band, the historic Grey Nuns Building in the background and a number of university dignitaries helped create a warm atmosphere for the more-than 400 guests at the inaugural Parents Welcome Reception.

The event was held under a tent on the Grey Nuns grounds on August 29, during residence move-in weekend. 

Concordia Parents Welcome Reception Concordia President Alan Shepard, left, with Malik Alick and his mother, Roseann Alick, at Concordia Parents Welcome Reception on August 29. | Photo: Joseph Dresdner

The event also marked the kick-off of the Concordia Parents Association, a newly created network for parents launched by Advancement and Alumni Relations.

Concordia Parents Association members receive an informative handbook, regular university news and updates, and invitations to events in Montreal and around the world throughout the year.

At the Parents Welcome Reception, Concordia President Alan Shepard greeted the families and students to the school and city. “I’m super thrilled by this evening,” he said. 

“This is a new initiative for us and it’s part of our efforts to strengthen the initial contact between a new family and a new student and the university.” 

“Ours is a great city for students,” Bram Freedman, vice-president of Development and External Relations, and Secretary-General, told the crowd. “In fact, Montreal was just this month named the top city in Canada to be a student, and eighth in the world.”

The evening was a showcase for Concordia’s diverse student population. Most of the guests were from outside Quebec, with many families travelling halfway across the globe to see their children off. 

Parents Welcome Reception on the Grey Nuns grounds Anish Talwar, second from right, and his parents Rajiv and Sarita Talwar sign in at the Parents Welcome Reception on the Grey Nuns grounds. | Photo: Joseph Dresdner

“This event was a very good gesture from the university. It really helped us,” said Rajiv Talwar, a native of New Delhi, India. His son Anish will be studying computer science at Concordia.

“New Delhi is the heart of India, and downtown Montreal is the heart of Canada,” Anish Talwar said. “I love the green space and the nice and helpful people. Even the customs agents were nice.”

Marianne Moller Sorensen, a political science student from Denmark, was also left with a good first impression from the weekend. “I wanted to go the U.S. or Canada to get the real university experience, and then I heard about Montreal being a great university city,” she said. “I read about Concordia, and I decided to come here.” 

Parents expressed both excitement and nervousness for their children, many of whom will be living on their own for the first time. Jean Shortreed’s son Connor will be studying computer science at Concordia. She advised him: “Study, take care of yourself and have fun.” 

President Shepard’s advice to parents? “Support them but give them a bit of breathing room, too.”


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