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Finding their inspiration

Motivation by Concordia professors drove these high-achieving alumni toward their successes
September 20, 2017

These successful alumni are grateful for the mentorship they received from Concordia faculty.

Finding their inspiration

Keeping LGBTQ people healthy and happy

Robert-Paul Juster Robert-Paul Juster
James Pfaus James Pfaus

Research scientist Robert-Paul Juster, BA 06, says he is extremely pleased as a proudly out gay man to be conducting studies on LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) populations to better their health and happiness. 

“Jim (Pfaus) was such an inspiration — he is one of the top researchers at Concordia, but he is so down to earth and very pure in his passion for science.”

Putting science and tech to work

Rina Carlini Rina Carlini
Anne English Anne English

Rina Carlini, BSc 93, CEO and president of Haltech Regional Innovation Centre, knows she’s doing her job right when she hears back from her clients with success stories: “‘We won entrepreneur of the year!’ they write to me. How spectacular is that? Whatever we can do to contribute to their success, I’m thrilled.”

“She’s done so much for the society, for Concordia and for me — she’s an outstanding scientific leader and mentor,” says Carlini.

Concordia grad has out-of-this world job — literally

Tim Haltigin Tim Haltigin
Pascale Biron Pascale Biron

Tim Haltigin, BSc 03, is senior mission scientist at the Canadian Space Agency, operating out of Saint-Hubert, Que.

“It’s everything from executing experiments, operating instruments in flight and planning future contributions Canada can make to different missions,” says Haltigin.

“I owe much of my scientific career to my time at Concordia,” says Haltigin. He says Pascale Biron, professor in the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, “called me after class one day. She said, ‘I put your name in for this thing called NSERC. And if you’re selected you’re working for me this summer.’”

Advice from an industrial engineering graduate

Danielle Nguyen Danielle Nguyen
Ali Akgunduz Ali Akgunduz

Typically, industrial engineering graduates’ primary roles involve optimizing complex processes. However, Danielle Nguyen, who graduated in 2004, plant manager at Coca-Cola Canada in Montreal, explains that success in the field can also depend on more personal elements. “I’m very passionate about improving processes — including the human side,” she says.

“I enjoyed everything about (Concordia). I loved the teachers. I still keep in touch with my friends. I developed great relationships with the engineering community, especially in mechanical and industrial engineering,” she says.

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