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Panel Discussion: Race, Gentrification and Resistance: Reclaiming the Right to Our Cities

March 8, 2023
By Mieko Tarrius

How can we resist and organize against gentrification to preserve community and history? How can we resist and organize against gentrification to preserve community and history? | Credit: Patrick Tomasso/Unsplash.

This discussion was led by Public Scholar Mieko Tarrius on October 24, 2022 as part of the Public Scholars program and in collaboration with 4th Space.

This panel was aimed to initiate an interactive dialogue on the ways race informs gentrification and how communities get organized to fight back with the participation of: Dr. Margaret Marietta Ramirez, Assistant Professor at Simon Fraser University; Dr. Ted Rutland, Associate Professor at Concordia University; Simone Chen, Worker-member, Coopérative de Solidarité La Place Commune (Park Extension) & Member, Parc-Ex Anti-Eviction Mapping Project; Wawa Li, former Chinatown Working Group member, independent fashion designer and student at Concordia University; and Andy Hiep Vu, Urban planner, Montreal's Chinatown Roundtable.

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