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GM,EV,TD & MB Bldgs. Power Shutdown May 20, 2014

May 16, 2014
By Murray Brunt

We are finally closing down on this planned power interruption. The first nightly intervention will occur on Tuesday May 20th from 11PM until 7AM the next morning. This will repeat until Friday (4 occurrences).

This intervention will mean for occupants of the EV & MB that the power will be transferred at the beginning of the intervention and at the end of it. Each time, this will generate a short power outage which means sensitive equipment should be turned off preemptively. All users of the aforementioned buildings should be advised to save their work and shut down their computers (and other equipment) before they leave on Tuesday night, and the following days until the weekend. Occupants of the GM and TD should not be affected by this phase of the project.

The MB will have full power during the shutdown and should be addressed as it usually is outside regular hours. The EV will have full power apart from some mechanical equipment we need to turn off to reduce the load. This means that air supply systems will be left off and that the building will not be fully functional. Occupants will be requested to leave the premises, but not in an emergency fashion. There won’t be life safety issues related to the air supply not functioning since other systems will be working, so we won’t need to tour the building prior to the shutdown. Security should transmit a voice message soon after the power transfer to explain that occupants have to leave at that labs cannot be used (no experiment should be occurring at those times, those areas being the most at risk since we need to maintain a certain air flow that is not possible during the intervention).

However, regular nightly operations (cleaning…) can still take place. Also, some key people from the different user groups will be allowed in to make sure their equipment (servers, UPS…) is operating properly once the power transfer is completed. Here is list of groups that might have technical staff members assess the situation and that should be granted access during our work:

·        ENCS

·        FINE ARTS

·        IITS



·        LIBRARY (they have a server in the EV)

·        CUSTODIAL

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