The 2019 PERFORM Centre Research Week examines how chronic conditions can be managed through nutrition and activity

From music therapy and nutrition to human energetics and neuroscience, Concordia’s PERFORM Centre Research Week focuses on the body as a whole in terms of dealing with pain and illness.
The week’s largest event is the centre’s sixth annual research conference, which takes place on Friday, May 10, at the Oscar Peterson Concert Hall. It brings together international researchers from various disciplines and institutions for presentations on subjects related to the management of chronic conditions.
Sylvia Santosa, chair of the centre’s scientific events committee, says the topic represents the breadth of expertise at PERFORM.
“I think this year’s conference is unique in the sense that we’ll have the chance to look at both qualitative and quantitative research within the context of health,” says Santosa, who is also associate professor in the Department of Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology as well as the Canada Research Chair in Nutrition.
“We’ll be looking at traditional lifestyle interventions like fitness and nutrition, but also examining emerging trends like meditation and creative arts therapies.”
The list of internationally renowned speakers who will be presenting research at the conference includes:
- Cheryl Dileo, a professor of music therapy at Temple University in Philadelphia
- Alexandra Fiocco, an expert in neuroscience from Ryerson University
- François Haman of the University of Ottawa, who specializes in human energetics and metabolic fuel selection
- Mary Jung, an associate professor at the University of British Columbia’s School of Health and Exercise Sciences, whose research focuses on the prevention of type 2 diabetes
- Arno Villringer, director of Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, who pioneered magnetic resonance perfusion imaging of the brain
- Thomas Wolever, a professor in Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto who helped develop and specializes in glycemic index testing and analysis
Also during the conference, 60 students will display poster presentations about research topics pertaining to health and prevention.
Programming highlights PERFORM’s integrated approach
Leading up to the conference, the PERFORM Centre will welcome researchers, practitioners, students and the general public for methodology talks and implementation workshops about the latest discoveries in preventive health research.
On May 7, graduate students are invited to a special Career Day. The day’s events will provide students opportunities to participate in knowledge translation and professional development sessions, as well as a roundtable panel discussion with members of industry, government and academia.
On May 8, PERFORM Centre members will present a full day of advanced methodology workshops, open to all, on the subjects of cardiorespiratory fitness assessments, nutrition and the use of mixed methods in scientific studies.
And finally, on May 9, PERFORM’s doors will be open to the public for implementation workshops that will allow for hands-on learning in several of the centre’s state-of-the-art facilities, such as the Nutrition Suite.
Santosa is pleased the PERFORM Centre Research Week is able to offer these different activities.
“Just like in health research, when you integrate and collaborate across disciplines, you achieve a greater impact,” she says.
“We’ve solved the simple questions about health, and now we’re onto questions that require a holistic, interdisciplinary approach — that’s what PERFORM as an integrated research centre really has to offer.”
The PERFORM Centre Research Week takes place at Concordia from May 7 to 10 at the Loyola Campus. All events are free and most are open to the public. Registration is required.