The John Molson School of Business commemorates two decades since its renaming

The 2020-21 academic year is going to be unique for Concordia’s John Molson School of Business for many reasons. In addition to experiencing its first-ever, fully virtual term, the school has a few other key milestones to celebrate.
A new era
Following the merger of Loyola College and Sir George Williams University in 1974, the newly formed Concordia University established the Faculty of Commerce and Administration.
In November 2000, after decades of growth, development and success, the faculty became the John Molson School of Business (JMSB). The new name honoured a transformational donation from the Molson family. With this important gift, and the opportunity it provided for expansion and development, the faculty entered a new era of business education.
“We’re always looking for ways to help the community,” explains Eric Molson (LLD 06), former chairman of Molson Coors and former Concordia chancellor.
“At the time of the donation, the business faculty needed a new home and a much-needed boost to continue to grow. We felt that this investment was not only an investment in Concordia but in the larger community as whole.”
In lending its name to Concordia’s business school, the Molson family made a prescient long-term investment in the future of business.
“The Montreal business community needs to reinvest in education so the next generation can continue building this great city,” Geoffrey Molson related at the time of the gift announcement.
“The trust that the Molson family placed in Concordia, represented by their gift to the John Molson School of Business, is incredibly powerful,” says Concordia President Graham Carr.
“They trusted that we would work hard to train and nurture the next generation of business leaders. The Molson name has helped us to forge our identity as a socially responsible, entrepreneurial institution, with a global reach but a solid foundation in the Montreal community, just like the school’s namesake.”
A legacy that lives on
“Having the Molson family name represent our business school could not have been more perfect,” explains Anne-Marie Croteau, dean of the JMSB.
“John Molson was an entrepreneur who was deeply involved in the Montreal community. He founded one of the first commercial steamship enterprises and the first railway, developed one of Canada’s first banking businesses and built Montreal’s first luxury hotel,” she says.
“As a school, it is our mission to provide an engaging learning and research environment that empowers everyone who is part of our organization to achieve their greatest potential for the betterment of business and society. We want to have a positive impact on our community, and I truly believe that John Molson’s legacy and values live on through us.”
“John Molson arrived in Canada at a very young age and saw potential for building in this city,” says Andrew Molson, chairman of AVENIR GLOBAL Consulting Group Inc., a Montreal-based holding and management company. “We believe that his principles and values are well reflected in the business school and that the name is very appropriate.”
Celebrations ahead
To celebrate the renaming anniversary, community members can expect a variety of initiatives that can be enjoyed virtually.
“Now, more than ever in this socially distanced environment, we want to foster a feeling of belonging, to bring JMSB together,” notes Croteau.
“Whether near or far, through a speaker series, social media campaigns and video blogs, we will feature members from all areas of the JMSB community: students, staff, faculty, alumni, donors, business community leaders and friends and family.”
By using the hashtag #IAmJMSB on social media, community members are encouraged to share photos and stories about what "makes them JMSB."
In addition to the 20th naming anniversary, the faculty will also celebrate three other milestones: the 35th anniversary of the John Molson Executive MBA program and the 20th anniversaries of both the Goodman Institute of Investment Management and the Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program.
“We have much to be proud of,” says Croteau. “And we look forward to celebrating with you.”
Find out more about the John Molson School of Business.