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Alexey Kokotov, PhD

Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Alexey Kokotov, PhD


Ph.D.:  St. Petersburg State University, 1992

Research interests

Geometric Analysis: spectral theory of Riemann surfaces, moduli spaces,  analysis on manifolds with singularities. 

Recent publications

1. Kokotov A., Flat conical Laplacian in the square of the canonical bundle and its regularized determinants, Mathematical Research Letters,  29 (2022), no. 4, 1141-1163 

2. Kokotov A., Lagota K., Green function and self-adjoint Laplacians on polyhedral surfaces, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 72 (2020), n 5, 1324-1351

3. Kalvin V., Kokotov A., Determinant of the Laplacian on tori of constant positive curvature with one conical point, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, vol. 62 (2019), n 2, 341-347

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