USE 2020
Intentional Community
Exhibition Dates: January 13 to February 21, 2020
Vernissage + Publication Launch: January 16, 2019 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Performance Evenings: January 23 and February 6, 2020 at 5 p.m.
Annual Undergraduate Student Exhibition
Each year, the annual undergraduate exhibition aims to represent the diverse art practices and research interests occurring within the Faculty of Fine Arts. Collaborative at its core, this interdisciplinary initiative culminates in an exhibition, publication, and performance event, and combines the efforts of many students, staff, and faculty members. Writers from the Department of Art History create essays about the exhibited artworks, which are featured in a catalogue created by design students. Leading up to the exhibition, the exhibited artists also collaborate with students from the Department of Contemporary Dance to create a set of performances featured throughout the exhibition. Ultimately, the undergraduate student exhibition aims to foster community among students, while encouraging them to work together through different practices and thought processes.
This year’s title, Intentional Community, reflects a feeling that persists through every artwork that was selected by the jury. This sentiment is the desire to take part in a community designed to have a high degree of social cohesion and cooperation by means of transformative self-critique. The pieces reveal inquiries into the construction of identity and the impact of humankind on our planet, as well as questions surrounding cultural diversity, gender and aesthetics. Mindful of current issues, the artists compel viewers to confront their own proclivities and address challenging topics.
This project involves the year-long efforts of many. We are grateful to our many collaborators and for the continued support of university and student organizations that make this project possible, and endlessly rewarding.
- Catherine Dechamps-Montpetit, Exhibition Coordinator
Jacqueline Beaumont, Owen Coolidge, David Durham, Constantinos Gianoussis, Saba Heravi, Fanny-Jane, Sonya Kertész, Lindsey Lagemaat, Mariana Moreno Caro, Manuel Poitras, Sasha Pozzolo, Alice Reiter, Jacqueline Stendel, Olivia Turchyniak
Julie Brown, Serena Deslauniers, Catherine Deschamps-Montpetit, Emma Rose Di Iorio, Vania Djelani, Daisy Duncan, Olivier Du Ruisseau, Chloe Lalonde, Véronique Morin, Kaelan Ryan
Lochlan Doyle, Sam Laurin, Aiden Locke, Lily Minkova
Dance students
Mohammadreza Akrami, Madz Atkinson, Justine Bellefeuille, Ève Constantin, Edie Guo, Hannah Hollingham, Amelia Jacobs, Clara Mira Jeannotte, Marianne Alicia Lynch, Camille Mougenot, Véronique Morin, Melissa McCracken, Selena Russo, Lulu Sharp
Special thanks to:
Art History Department; Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History (CUJAH) ; Department of Contemporary Dance; Department of Design and Computation Arts; Angélique Willkie; M. Wright; Galerie VAV Gallery; Fasa Concordia; Richard Buchanan, Le groupe Quadriscan.

Mariana Moreno Caro

Jacqueline Stendel, Manuel Poitras, Owen Coolidge, and Sonya Kertész

Alice Reiter & Sasha Pozzolo

Owen Coolidge, Manuel Poitras, Sonya Kertész, Constantinos Giannoussis, Sasha Pozzolo, Alice Reiter

Jacqueline Stendel & Owen Coolidge

Constantinos Giannoussis

Jacqueline Beaumont

Sasha Pozzolo

Alice Reiter & Saba Heravi

Lindsey Lagemaat

Lindsey Lagemaat


David Durham


Lindsey Lagemaat

David Durham

Olivia Turchyniak

Olivia Turchyniak
Documentation by Guy L'Heureux