318 jours
March 21 - April 29, 2022

Mylene Raiche, 318 Jours, exhibition view from Une Conversation Silencieuse presented at the MFA Gallery, Concordia University, 2018
Exhibition description
Sharing the York Vitrines is the work 318 jours by Mylene Raiche, an installation where rows of circles have been methodically cut from scraps of industrial felt diverted from the landfill. In the transformative space of Raiche’s hands the circles are delicately reshaped with nylon thread, stitched like a wound re-closing. Here, the artist has consciously altered the destiny of these discarded fragments to create their epilogue by considering the fluctuations between what can be controlled with meticulous attention to detail and what cannot. The twelve heavily stitched pieces which resulted from this process are brought together, supported, and surrounded by rose-coloured threads.
About the Artist
Mylene Raiche is a texture-obsessed textile artist whose work combines drawing, object making and sculptural installation. She is inspired by philosophy, psychology, and experimental methodology to explore the power of found objects and textiles in instigating various emotional states. Recurring themes are those of the human condition, healing processes through transformative repair, as well as a concern for environmental issues and overconsumption. She graduated from Concordia University in 2019 with an MFA in Visual Arts - Fibres and Material Practices concentration. She has participated in several solo and group exhibitions in Quebec, Ontario, and the United States. She lives and works between Montreal and St-Stanislas-de-Kostka.
IG: @myleneraiche