Tam Khoa Vu
April 29 – June 7, 2024
Vernissage: May 2nd, from 5 pm to 7 pm

Exhibition description
HYBRID CONDITION: TURBO explores cultural hybridity through a generative multi-screen projection and audio installation using a blend of personal, archival, and modern-day footage. By juxtaposing various moving images, this video installation highlights the complex interconnectedness of Asian diasporic culture and the violence of cultural colonialism. The work is projected onto two screens stretched with fabric, allowing the viewer to see both projections simultaneously. Each video varies in runtime, creating an asynchronous montage with unpredictable moments of overlapping imagery.
As the artist describes: “The layering effect of video and meaning highlights how absolutely fried it can feel to be a person of colour/minority within a White space. But sometimes it can also be quite beautiful when the images sync up. Like I mentioned, it’s unpredictable. This is life: sometimes it’s nice, sometimes it’s chaos.”
Tam states that “the work tries to give you a sense of my experience, what it feels like to have the HYBRID CONDITION. And if you have the HYBRID CONDITION already, well – this is how it looks from my window. Double screen projection. Loud dance music. Flashing lights. Some violence, some memes.”
About the artist
Tam Khoa Vu is an artist based in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal. His work challenges common representations and depictions of Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Canadian identity, while playfully opening up spaces of abundance, possibility, and nuance. Using visual and digital art forms, his practice explores themes of production, manufacturing, power, representation, and identity by exploring notions of the “third space” of diasporic experience. The artist has presented his work in Montréal at OBORO New Media Lab, (2023); Montréal, arts interculturels (MAI), (2022); and ARTCH Emerging Artists Exhibition (2021). He also has upcoming solo exhibitions at McClure Gallery (Montréal, QC), and Caravanserail (Rimouski, QC). In 2017, he completed his BFA at Concordia University in Design and Computation Arts.
The Creative Independent "On being not afraid to just do it" en conversation avec Lauren Spear
McGill Daily "A Look into Tam Khoa Vu's Hybrid Condition" par Enid Kohler
Canvas " Tam Khoa Vu's "Their Country": Towards an Empowered Telling of Migrant of Future
Frequency News " ' Hybrid Condition' offers a diffrent view on Vietnamese-Canadian identity"