Sight and Space

Curated by Nicholas Raffoul
With MA thesis projects by Wanessa Cardoso de Sousa, Sara Shields-Rivard, Patricia Pérez Rabelo and Christa Nemnom
December 13, 2021 - January 17, 2022
The Department of Art History of Concordia University invites you to explore a glimpse of the research topics of our recently-graduated Master’s students. This virtual exhibition features the thesis abstracts and still images from four recently-graduated students that tackle contemporary questions in art history, including but not limited to queer interior design, spatial memory, vernacular architecture, new materialism, affect, and subjectivity. This virtual exhibition was created and curated by Nicholas Raffoul, a first-year Art History MA student at Concordia University. Exhibiting MA Students: Wanessa Cardoso de Sousa, Sara Shields-Rivard, Patricia Pérez Rabelo and Christa Nemnom.