Curated by rudi aker for TextiteTradeTime
January 13 – February 21, 2020
An exhibition of exchanged and reworked small textile/material artworks, created by participants in the TextilesTradeTime series of events, fall 2019.
Participants anonymously contributed a small (maximum 10 inch by 10 inch) textile or material work, completed or underway, to the exchange. Works were to be in any textile or material form; and safe for handling, reworking, and installation. Most were made of cloth – one was a freshly baked (still warm from the oven!) loaf of bread.
Each piece was concealed in a large brown envelope and blindly passed on to a second person, who was free to embellish, adapt or change the piece in any way and then return it anonymously for exhibition. These ‘traded in’ collaborations are the works you see here.
After this exhibition, works were randomly passed on to a third participant, completing the ‘trade’. Give one, get one.
TextileTradeTime is a collaborative initiative of the Textiles and Materiality Cluster of the Millieux Institute for Research in Arts, Culture and Technology, Studio Re-Imagine (of Concordia University Research Chair in Socially Engaged Art and Public Pedagogies) and Kinawind Lab (of the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Arts practice) with support from the Centre for Sensor Studies.
Contact: Kathleen Vaughan (; rudi acker (