The following is a list of undergraduate course descriptions for the 2025-2026 academic year.
- For previous years, visit our archives.
- Please review the grading system for all courses offered by the Department of Art History.
Summer 1 term (May–June)
Group A ─ Media Based Studies
- ARTH 262 Aspects of the History of Drawing
Group C — Art in Canada
- ARTH 375 Issues in the Montreal Art Milieu
Group F — Tutored Studies
Summer 2 term (July–August)
Group A ─ Media Based Studies
- ARTH 354 Studies in Interdisciplinarity in the Visual Arts
Group B — Period Studies
Group F — Tutored Studies
Fall term (September–December)
Group A ─ Media Based Studies
- ARTH 264 Aspects of the History of Ceramics
- ARTH 267 Aspects of the History of Photography
- ARTH 357 Studies in the History of Craft and the Decorative Arts
- ARTH 358 Studies in the History of Media Art: Video Art and the Dissident Moving Image
Group B — Period Studies
- ARTH 364 Studies in Renaissance Art and Architecture
- ARTH 365 Studies in 17th and 18th-Century Art and Architecture
- ARTH 366 Studies in 19th‑Century Art and Architecture
- ARTH 368 Studies in Contemporary Art & Architecture
- ARTH 498 Special Topics in the History of Art and Architecture: Greenhouses: Histories, Politics, and Cultures of Cultivation
Group C — Art in Canada
- ARTH 271 Introduction to Canadian Art
- ARTH 376 Topics in Indigenous Art: The Aesthetics of the Apocalypse: An Indigenous Perspective
Group D — Theory and Criticism
- ARTH 201-A Perspectives of Art History
- ARTH 201-B Perspectives of Art History
- ARTH 300 Art Historical Methods
- ARTH 379 Postcolonial Theory in Art History: Ornementalism: Feminist Theories of the Body
- ARTH 380 Histories of Art History
- ARTH 381 Feminism and Art History
- ARTH 387 Issues in Art and Criticism
- ARTH 400 Advanced Seminar in Art Historical Method: Addiction in Art and Film, 1751-2024
Group E — Art and Society
- ARTH 298 Special Topics in Genre Studies
- ARTH 390 Art and the Museum
- ARTH 398 Special Topic in Art & Society
Group F — Tutored Studies
Winter term (January–April)
Group A ─ Media Based Studies
- ARTH 266 Aspects of the History of Fibre Art
- ARTH 267 Aspects of the History of Photography
- ARTH 349 Studies in the History of the Print
- ARTH 351 Studies in the History of Sculpture
- ARTH 353 Technology and Contemporary Art
- ARTH 355 Studies in Architecture
- ARTH 357 Studies in the History of Craft and the Decorative Arts
- ARTH 359 Studies in Contemporary Photographic Art
Group B — Period Studies
- ARTH 362 Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture
- ARTH 364 Studies in Renaissance Art and Architecture
- ARTH 366 Studies in 19th-Century Art and Architecture
- ARTH 367 Studies in 20th‑Century Art and Architecture
- ARTH 450 Advanced Seminar in the History of Art and Architecture
Group C — Art in Canada
- ARTH 373 Issues in Contemporary Canadian Art
- ARTH 374 Architecture and Urbanism in Montreal
Group D — Theory and Criticism
- ARTH 202-A Perspectives of Art History
- ARTH 202-B Perspectives of Art History
- ARTH 300 Art Historical Methods
- ARTH 384 Theories of Representation
- ARTH 389 Issues in Ethnocultural Art Histories
- ARTH 391 Art and Its Changing Contexts
- ARTH 392 Gender Issues in Art and Art History
Group E — Art and Society
- ARTH 283 The Life and Work of: Le Corbusier
- ARTH 391 Art & its Changing Contexts
- ARTH 392 Gender Issues in Art and Art History