Kaia Portner

Photo credit: John Martinez
About the Artist
Kaia Portner (she/her) is a dancer/choreographic artist based in Montréal, on the Tiohtià:ke territory of the Kanien’kéha nation. Kaia obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Contemporary Choreography from Concordia University and continues to actively participate in the Montréal contemporary dance scene. As a dancer, Kaia works professionally as a showgirl in various local venues and has participated in music video projects for local artists. Kaia has also worked as a movement director with Montréal video production company Production Triskel. She continues to train with heel company Aura Montréal, as well as in floor techniques with artist Victoria “VicVersa” Mackenzie. On the choreographic front, Kaia collaborated with Art Volt x POP Montréal to present her work at L’Entrepôt77 and worked in residency at Concordia University to develop her projects.
Capital Erotica
Presented by Tangente as part of Danses Buissonnières
September 21, 22, 23, 24 2024
Capital Erotica is a solo choreography performed by Kaia Portner, an acutely intuitive exploration of hyper-femininity and showgirl work. Within the context of pleasure seeking, Kaia navigates contemporary dance through a sexualized state and sharp sequenced movements. A symphonic drone fills the space as ambient beats harmonise in attack with the body. By accentuating the hips, chest and spine, the dance criticises the idea of a fantasy – forcibly reconciling itself with the death of an unperceived existence. Simultaneously embodying the way a showgirl practises her striptease and the way it hurts, Capital Erotica challenges both the empowerment and disintegration of the matriarchy in the seduction system.