This category contains tools and resources to help increase visibility for yourself and your creative practice, to help you manage your time and your projects, and to help you make connections within the Montreal cultural milieu.
View opportunities related to networking and management
Making connections & promoting your practice
This section includes tips for talking and writing about your creative practice, as well as how to utilize digital platforms for marketing. You will also find resources to foster and connect with communities and a list of organizations and presenters across Montreal's cultural network.

Digital marketing
Discover different social media platforms, website builders, newsletter platforms & templates, and learn how to create a portfolio.

Writing and talking about your practice
Learn about networking, how to write your artist statements and bio, how to send out invitations to press & media, and more.

Preparing an application
Find out what to consider when preparing an application — from writing a proposal, pitching an article or approaching presenters.
Managing your practice
This section includes tools to help your productivity, time and project management, as well as resources for structuring and operating small organizations.

Productivity and time management
Tools and Apps to help you organize your time and stay on track.

Organizational management
Discover resources to develop, structure and govern small organizations.

Planning your project
Discover tools to plan, manage and report on your creative projects.