Mohammadreza Akrami

Photo by Nicolas Biaux
About the Artist
Born in Tehran, Mohammadreza Akrami is a dance artist based in Montréal and Toronto. His eagerness toward episteme leads him to study physics and dramatic literature, and to practice martial arts such as Wing Chun, Eskrima, and Chi Qong. His experience in performance art spans choreographing, dancing, acting, singing, and performing. He has worked on techniques like butoh, flying-low, passing through, and rituals and their music as roots for performance art.

Work Presented at Tangente - “Tan[ha]”
November 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th 2022
“Tan[ha]” refers to the Farsi word for solitude, which translates as “alone”. However, separated, the words “Tan” and “ha” translate as “bodies”. Tan[ha] – these many bodies carried in solitude – is an investigation into agency. Two nude performers laugh non-stop. Can our body sustain an action for as long as we want? What happens when we want to stop laughing, but can’t? What does it mean to laugh with your whole body, but without producing a sound? As their laughter subsides, the dancers’ bodies produce a back-and-forth movement that remains between two spaces, never reaching either. Do we have agency over our bodies or do our bodies have agency over us?