Design and Computation Arts / Design et arts numériques

Photo credit: Eric Tschaeppeler
As the Art Volt Toolbox includes an exhaustive list of resources applicable to all departments, browsing by discipline can allow for more personalized searches. Visit the category pages for more context, or contact us at if you have questions.
Comme la boîte à outils d’Art Volte comprend une liste exhaustive de ressources applicables à tous les départements, la navigation par discipline peut permettre des recherches plus personnalisées. Visitez les pages des catégories pour plus de détails ou contactez-nous à l'adresse si vous avez des questions.
Opportunities / Opportunités
Find Opportunities; including links to external Toolboxes and Bulletin Boards, and discover presenters, service providers and tools according to your discipline.
Trouvez des opportunités, y compris des liens vers des boîtes à outils et des babillards externes, et découvrez des diffuseurs, des services et des outils en fonction de votre discipline.
View representative councils and associations for Design and Computation Arts:
The Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) is a member-driven non-profit national organization working to advance and strengthen the media arts community in Canada. Representing over 100 independent film, video, audio, and new media production, distribution, and exhibition organizations in all parts of the country, the IMAA serves over 16,000 independent media artists and cultural workers. - La Guilde
La Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec is a non-profit organization that brings together independent and international video game developers, creators, educational institutions and entrepreneurs in related fields established in Quebec. - SDGQ
The Society of Graphic Designers of Quebec is an active forum where Quebec designers from various practices and backgrounds can meet, get to know each other better, and expand their network. - Xn Québec
With more than 155 member studios, Xn Quebec brings together producers of digital experiences in Quebec. They represent the interests of the industry with public and governmental institutions, encourages meetings between creators, and promotes the excellence of digital creativity in Quebec and internationally. - International Council of Design
The International Council of Design is an international organisation representing the professions of design - Cumulus
Cumulus represents a dynamic ecosystem for internationalization and global mobility, knowledge exchange, and collaboration in art and design pedagogy, research, and practice.
View external toolboxes for Design and Computation Arts:
The Professional Association for Design (AIGA) supports creative practitioners working in design through membership, professional development workshops, opportunities and resources. - IDEO Design Thinking
IDEO Design Thinking provides recourse specific to all things design. - IMAASource
IMAASource is a searchable collection of resources and tools for media artists & practitioners - Quartier artisan
Quartier artisan's mission is to support the growth of craft businesses, and they provide a Toolbox specific to artisanal practices such as design and general arts & crafts.
View a list of providers for Design and Computation Arts:
- List of providers specific to Design and Computation Arts & List of presenters for new practices
The Machinerie's ‘Address Book’ provides a list of associations and organizations, entrepreneurial resources, creation and production spaces, along with available residencies. This resource is only available in French.
Discover research centres for Design and Computation Arts:
- Global Emergent Media Lab
As part of Concordia University’s Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, the Global Emergent Media (GEM) Lab is a research platform centered on the critical study of global new media. The GEM Lab is open to graduate students, faculty, and other researchers and practitioners. - Milieux
Milieux is an interdisciplinary graduate research institute for New Media Arts, digital culture and information technology at Concordia University.
Discover production centres for Design and Computation Arts:
- Technology Sandbox
The Technology Sandbox is a community space for learning by doing,making, playing, and sharing knowledge with one another. - Map of all Fab Labs in province
This list of digital fabrication laboratories located around Quebec is user and community generated and maintained. - échoFAB
echoFab is a prototype of a neighborhood community digital workshop. - List of Fab Labs in the world
This list of digital fabrication laboratories located around the world is user and community generated and maintained. - Concordia Next Generation University: Digital Art
The Digital Arts initiative aims to be part-think tank, part-incubator, and part-networker, with research centres that make space for creative collaboration and experimentation.
Discover suggested readings for Design and Computation Arts:
- FLOSS+art
FLOSS+Art critically reflects on the growing relationship between Free Software philosophy, open content and digital art. It provides first-hand insight into its social, political and economic myths and realities. - Design Books by Womxn & People of Color
View a curated list of Design books published by Women and People of Color. - The Designed by Women project
The Designed by Women project encourages a deeper understanding of women's contributions to design.
Discover magazines related to Design and Computation Arts:
- Makezine
Make: Community aims to elevate makers, nurture a global cultural movement, and celebrate creativity, innovation and curiosity. The Makezine is a magazine project that covers topics ranging from craft and design, creative home projects, workshops to digital fabrications.
Discover news related to Design and Computation Arts:
- It's Nice That
It’s Nice That is a platform for design, offering advice, insight and inspiration for the next generation of creatives. They aim towards engaging works online, in print and through events programmes.
Discover apps and tools for Design and Computation Arts:
- Blush
This app is an easy way to create and personalize illustrations from collections offered by their represented illustrators. They provide free and paid services. - Framer
Framer is a design and prototyping tool, with additional resource links and tutorials. Framer offers free and paid services for specialized accounts.
- Font Awesome
Font Awesome is a tool that gets vector icons and social logos on websites. - FOUND COLOR Archive
Found color is an archive of exploration of accidental color schemes. - Webflow
Webflow is a tool for building professional and custom websites, with no code. Users can sign up for free by email or Google account. - Canva
Canva is a free graphic design platform that provides professionally designed templates.
Networking & Project Management
View resources and tools to increase visibility for yourself and your creative practice, to help you manage your time and your projects, and to help you make connections within the Montreal cultural milieu.
- A guide to working with clients
This practical guide by the late design and technology studio HAWRAF shares the best learnings about working with clients and setting up successful relationships. From understanding your value, screening and following up with potential clients, writing proposals to getting the job. - Client discovery call
This guide by studio HAWRAF helps you run your freelance client discovery calls smoothly. It suggests types of questions you could ask during the call to better understand a client's goals, needs and challenges.
Funding & Financial Literacy
View resources and tools to help you manage your finances, generate revenue and find financial support for your creative practice.
- Copyrights resources for Design and Computation Arts
- Creating in the Greyscale: A Guide to Navigating Intellectual Property as an Emerging Artist or Designer
This guide on navigating intellectual property as an emerging artist or designer is provided by OCAD University.
- Hello Bonsai
Everything you need to run your freelance business, including free contract templates.