Fundraising /
Collecte de fonds
- The Machinery: Grille comparative de financement participatif
Cet outil est une compilation d'informations sur les différentes plateformes de sociofinancement existantes. En tant qu’utilisateur, vous pouvez mettre à jour les informations et ajouter les plateformes qui vous semblent pertinentes.
To access any resources provided by The Machinery, you will need to join their community and create a free online account. If you have questions you can email them at
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- The Machinery: Fundraising Approach File
This template can be used as a basis for writing a complete project presentation file in preparation for a fundraising event. It also allows you to indicate the compensation offered to partners, as well as to manage the receipt of donations and ticket purchases for a fundraising event.
To access any resources provided by The Machinery, you will need to join their community and create a free online account. If you have questions you can email them at
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