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Legal information / Information juridique

  • CARFAC - Legal Clinics
    A list of several clinics across Canada where artists can get affordable legal information.
  • Recognizing Art Scams
    A guide by Emily Carr University's Alumni Association
  • In-person and remote events for international students
    Resources for international students, including events such as: Post-Graduation Work Permit session, working in Canada, health insurance, and Career Panel: Insights from International Student Alumni.
  • JURIPOP - The Artists’ Foundation
    The Artists’ Foundation offers professional artists and cultural workers up to 4 hours of free legal services with our team of lawyers in several fields of law.
  • La clinique juridique de l'Université de Montréal
    Supervised by experienced lawyers, students in the Legal Clinic offer a free intellectual property legal information service for Québec entrepreneurs, businesses, inventors, and creators.
  • Pacific Legal Education and Outreach Society
    PLEO has been providing legal services to the non-profit and arts sector since 2005. PLEO delivers its mission through its Law for Artists and Law For Non-Profits initiatives, each providing educational programming, information, resources and advice.
  • RAAV’s legal framework resource
    This resource provides legal information on the professional status of a creative practitioner, including conditions of performing, recording and film artists, and the Copyright Act. This resource is available in French.

Art Volt & ARTCH’s workshop on intellectual property and copyrights with Bianca Pietracupa
The objective of this resource is to make visual artists aware of the different copyright rights specific to their artistic practice and to introduce the concept of collective management of these rights. 

CARFAC's copyrights resource
As a non-profit corporation, the Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC) aims to promote the visual arts and the socio-economic climate that is conducive to the production of visual arts in Canada, and to conduct research in public education.  This specific resource provides an overview of different types of copyright, such as exhibition rights, reproduction rights and moral rights. 

CARFAC's artist resale rights resource
This source provides general overview on artist’s resale rights, provides a downloadable proposal document, and links to various topics surrounding resales.

Creating in the Greyscale: A Guide to Navigating Intellectual Property as an Emerging Artist or Designer
This guide on navigating intellectual property as an emerging artist or designer is provided by OCAD University.

Copyright Visual Arts responds to a shifting Art economy in the digital age by providing effective tools to enable visual and media artists to achieve sustainable careers. They provide numerous services for artists and artist’s estates, and user’s are able to apply for a license or membership.

Who Owns that Sound? Music in the Digital Age
A recording of a workshop for artists seeking further information on musical copyright. With Kurt Dahl and Martha Rans.

View copyrights by discipline (*Only available in French):

  • CanDance Network’s Artist Negotiation Tools
    Resources for negotiating contracts.
  • CISF for BPOC Creators's templates
    This source provides multiple applications and forms prepared by the Canadian Independent Screen Fund (CISF) for Black and People of Colour (BPOC) creators. All of the documents available as a downloadable PDF file.
  • Hello Bonsai
    Everything you need to run your freelance business, including free contract templates.
  • Local ADC659 Contract & Agreement Templates
    Local ADC659 negotiates and maintains a variety of collective agreements and contract templates to facilitate the relationship between designers and producers in theatre, opera, dance, and emerging hybrid art forms.
  • RAAV’s resources for contracts and licenses
    This resource provides standard contracts and licenses, developed jointly with the support of lawyers specializing in copyright or in consultation with other organizations such as AGAC, SMQ, RCAAQ or even CAPIC.

Get in touch!

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For questions, accessibility concerns, or more information on specific resources, contact us at As an expandable depository of online resources, feel free to send your suggestions as well!

This initiative is made possible by the generous support of the Peter N. Thomson Family Innovation Fund.

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