2022 Artch workshop series
We are thrilled to announce that Art Volt is collaborating with Artch to offer a series of in-person and online professional training workshops. Artch is an initiative whose mission is to identify, educate and disseminate the work of emerging Quebec contemporary artists.
How to Register
These workshops are available to students registered for graduation and/or to recent alumni who have graduated from Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Arts, within the last three years.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
To register, please email the following details to artvolt@concordia.ca:
Year of graduation
Program and department (ex: BFA, Art History)
Please specify the workshop(s) you would like to attend.
Please include a proof of graduation (your diploma or a screen capture of your graduation approval status from your Student Hub).
FRENCH - Wednesday June 1st – 9:30am to 12pm with Hugues Charbonneau - In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
ENGLISH - Wednesday, June 1st – 1:30pm to 4pm with Kakim Goh -
In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
Goal: Demystify networking within the cultural sector and develop simple and effective tools.
Description: The workshop will define what networking is and its usefulness. It will also identify relevant networking opportunities in the field of visual arts, as well as good practices, both in-person and through platforms such as LinkedIn. Participants will also learn how to make a positive impact when meeting a new professional contact and how to present themselves in a short and effective way.
FRENCH - Thursday, June 2nd – 9:30am to 12pm with Eric Dufresne-Arbique - In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
ENGLISH - Thursday, June 2nd – 1:30pm to 4pm in English with Josée Pedneault - In person: EV Building, Room 7.745
Goal: Provide artists with tools to help them write an artistic statement, a biography or a project text.
Description: This workshop will provide a framework within which emerging artists can develop their writing skills in order to compose texts that are typically used to accompany artwork and artist dossiers. More specifically, participants will gain insight into the principles and strategies for composing clear and concise artist statements and artist biographies that are harmonious with their work and representative of their careers. Within a 2.5-hour time frame, this workshop aims to demystify the specific aspects of each type of document, help artists identify the key elements within their individual practices, and offer guidance with regards to the writing process.
***Participants registered in these workshops will have the opportunity to have their artist statement and bio texts individually reviewed by the workshop leader.
FRENCH - Tuesday, June 7th – 9:30am to 12pm with Pierre Beaudoin - In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
ENGLISH - Wednesday, June 8th – 1:30pm to 4pm with Pierre Beaudoin - In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
Goal: To learn about the different possibilities regarding financing of an artistic projects, what they require and how to apply.
Description: During this workshop, participants will study the main forms of financial support: grant programs from public funds, various forms of funding from private funds and different ways to fund an artistic research or event. In each case, the workshop leader will present the various steps of preparation of a financial support request and the usual schedule of each one. Participants will also learn how these different forms of support can be complementary, as well as several tips and tricks!
ENGLISH - Tuesday, June 7th – 1:30pm to 4pm with Geneviève Wallen - In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
FRENCH - Wednesday, June 8th – 9:30am to 12pm with Geneviève Wallen - In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
Goal: To provide tools to better navigate the arts field outside of a school setting.
Description: This workshop is designed for emerging artists who wish to be guided through the administrative and relational aspects of the art world. In this short workshop, participants will learn about: tips for making an exemplary submission to a call for submissions; important points to consider when signing a contract; factors to keep in mind when creating a production and installation schedule; artist fees and budgets; and finally, a brief exploration of the relationship between the artist and the curator (or gallery administration).
FRENCH - Thursday, July 9th – 9:30am to 12pm with Janna Yotte -
In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
Goal: To identify one's needs and develop tools to maintain sound mental health in a creative context.
Description: Mental health is too often neglected or outright ignored when it comes to the creative process. Although it is easy to minimize the impact it can have in the short term, a lack of tools and mental health hygiene is very often what weakens an artist, his art and his career in the long term. It is therefore essential to learn to identify personal limitations and certain precursory signs. In this workshop, we will clarify what can compromise your mental health, how to prevent it at different stages of production and establish what tools are available to us if it is time to heal. We will also identify your priorities and compromises that will guide you in establishing career goals that are adapted to your desires and reality.
ENGLISH - Thursday, June 14th – 1:30pm to 4pm with Jada Joseph -
In-person: EV Building, Room 7.745
FRENCH - Tuesday, June 21st – 1:30pm to 4pm with Vincent Mousseau - Online
Goal: Introduce participants to anti-oppressive ideas and strategies.
Description: This workshop will define anti-oppression and explore the ways oppression unfolds in art scenes. Attendees will learn how to employ decolonial and anti-oppressive practices in the context of organizing art events and day-to-day interactions.
FRENCH - Tuesday, June 14th – 9:30am to 12pm in French with Eddy Firmin - Online
Goal: Consider how we make or support art that is truthful, respectful, and allows us to uphold the sacredness of our relationship to others
Description: The subject of cultural appropriation has been at the forefront of many discussions in recent years, particularly in the fields of arts and culture. In this workshop, we will break down the notions of "multicultural melting pot" that we often believe the arts should be, which lead to appropriative artistic practices. We will look at the urgent questions we need to ask ourselves as arts practitioners: what are the colonial assumptions we carry within us as creators; what are the ethical interrogations we need to make space for in our work; how do we make art that is truthful, respectful, and allows us to uphold the sacredness of our relationship to others? The workshop will consist of theoretical frameworks, practical tools and concrete scenarios to work with.
FRENCH - Tuesday, June 21st – 9:30am to 12pm with Élizabeth Plante-Poulin, Jack Marketing - Online
Goal: Bring participants to reflect on the resources required to develop their online presence according to their career objectives.
Description: Having a website, and a social media presence is imperative to any creative practitioner. This workshop will explore how to use these tools in an optimal way, how to make this investment of time and resources most profitable, and how to develop and grow your public or audience. Learn best practices and strategies adapted to your needs and to each online platform in order to reach your desired goals.
FRENCH/ENGLISH - Tuesday, June 28th – 9:30am to 12pm with Bianca Pietracupa - Online
This workshop will first discuss constitutional considerations on intellectual property and copyright in particular. A description of how it interacts with provincial artist status statutes will follow. The main concepts of copyright will be discussed in terms of creation, advantages, duration and ownership of these rights. The concept of moral rights and its importance will be described. The objective is to make visual artists aware of the different copyright rights specific to their artistic practice and to introduce the concept of collective management of these rights.
FRENCH - Tuesday, June 28th – 1:30pm to 4pm with Cloé Pluquet - Online
Description: What is the purpose of translating art into printed matter? How can one represent their artistic vision in an editorial format without losing the essence of the work? How does one communicate with a publisher? Where does one distribute this publication and how can it co-exist with the artist's physical work? All these questions will be answered in this workshop!
FRENCH / ENGLISH - Tuesday, July 5th – 9:30am to 12:00pm with Gabrielle Bouchard - Online
Goal: Demystify how to establish the value of an artwork.
Description: This workshop outlines key concepts and considerations for emerging artists interested in establishing sale prices for their artistic productions. We will explore the concept of value creators and the roles they play in influencing not only an artist’s career, but also the price of their creative productions. Finally, the workshop will also introduce different tools and strategies that will be useful to artists interested in selling their works themselves.
FRENCH - Tuesday, July 12th – 1:30pm to 4pm with Michelle Lacombe, VIVA art - Online
Goal: How to sustain an “action art” practice: from the vacant lot to the museum.
Description: “Action Art”, a discipline that includes performance and all its derivatives and is more often than not showcased in DIY context. However, a growing interest for this interdisciplinary type of art practice now means that artists in Québec are being invited to showcase their works in a variety of venues and spaces. This workshop will address what to expect when presenting “Action Art” in these diverse contexts.
FRENCH - Tuesday, July 19th – 9:30am to 12pm with Tayssa Waldron - Online
Goal: To change our perception of money, from a source of potential anxiety, to a tool that serves our creations.
Description: This workshop will invite participants to explore their relationship to money, in order to better understand their own limitations and consider avenues to building a healthier relationship to money. This will also be an opportunity to challenge the taboos related to artistic creation and money.