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HD video accessory

Manufacturer: Various

Model: Various

Accreditation Required: Yes

Obtained through accreditation on the Sony F65


Accessories for use with the Sony F65


HEX-ACHD-003 (Follow Focus with Focus drive)
HEX-ACHD-004 (Follow Focus with Focus drive)
HEX-ACHD-005 (Long Zoom Lens)
HEX-ACHD-006 (Matte Box)
HEX-ACHD-007 (Matte Box)
HEX-ACHD-009 (Denecke Slate)
HEX-ACHD-010 (Denecke Slate)
HEX-ACHD-011 (Test Pattern Card – ColorGray)
HEX-ACHD-014 (Test Pattern Card – ColorGrayRes)
HEX-ACHD-015 (Wave / Vector Monitor)
HEX-ACHD-016 (Wave / Vector Monitor)
HEX-VOTR-003 (Slate LG)
HEX-VOTR-004 (Slate LG)
HEX-VPOW-001 (Quad charger & batteries kit)
HEX-VPOW-002 (Quad charger & batteries kit)

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