Our locations
Visual Arts Building
Room S-VA 116
Room S-VA 118
Room S-VA 122/23
Mould-Making Shop
Supported processes
- Body moulds using: plaster bandages, alginate and plaster bandages, skin sage silicone and plaster bandages
- Moulds of objects or clay pieces using plaster, silicone and urethane
- Casting in body moulds or object moulds using plaster, silicone, urethane rubber or resins
- Casting in Forton and creating fake marble and bronze finishes using metal powders and pigments
- Expanding or reducing objects with materials such as Expandit or Reducit
Contact the Mould-Making Shop
Monique Deschamps, Technician
514-848-2424 ext. 7946

Cutting a slab of clay with a spatula.

Smoothing out the clay wall around a mould before making the support shell with Forton and biaxial fiberglass.

Wood Shop
- Table saw
- Chop saw
- Jointer
- Thickness planer
- Band saws
- A wide assortment of power and hand tools
- Tool lending service available with presentation of a Concordia student card
- Appointments recommended, walk-ins accepted depending on volume of students using the shop.
- Though we are labeled as a wood shop the technician has a respectable knowledge of other materials and methods.
- All projects must be course related.
Contact the Wood Shop
Gary Cherkas, Technician
514-848-2424 ext. 5636

Gluing up panels for painting.

Trimming panels on the table saw.
Foundry/Metal Shop
Supported Processes
- Lost wax casting in bronze and aluminum
- MIG welding in steel, stainless steel and bronze
- TIG welding in steel, aluminum and bronze
- Plasma cutting
- Brazing, cutting and heating with oxyacetylene
Shop equipment also includes:
- Manual floor model sheer
- Manual floor model bending brake
- Drill press
- Bandsaw
- Various small power tools and hand tools.
Contact the Foundry/Metal Shop
Kevin Andres-Teixeira, Technician
514-848-2424 ext. 5637

Loading bronze pieces into melting furnace.

Bronze preheating on the lid of the melting furnace.

Lost-wax casting process - Ceramic shell molds before kiln flashed fired.

Unloading fired ceramic shell molds from burnout kiln.

Crucible with molten bronze.

Skimming slag off.

Pouring bronze into fired ceramic shell molds.

Hot bronze castings.