
Having alcohol at your event?
All on-campus events with alcohol must adhere to the Policy on the Sale and Service of Alcohol on University Premises, and regulations from the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ).
As of January 2019, all events taking place at the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9) must use the Concordia University Bar Inventory for events with alcohol. Note that Approved Caterers’ tagged alcohol and a Reunion Permit with untagged alcohol are not permitted in the Centre.
Charge Bars, where participants can pay directly by the glass (credit and debit only, no cash), are available for events in the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9) for all members of the community. Prior arrangements can be made with the Alcohol Coordinator.
For events with alcohol in the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9), a Hospitality Event Coordinator will always be assigned. Please reach out to them for specific alcohol purchase and service procedures.
Select your status to see what guidelines apply to your event.
- As part of the Policy on Hospitality, Meetings and Events on Campus (CFO-10) you must obtain prior approval from your Dean/Administrative Unit when there is alcohol served at an event. The Prior Approval Form must be included with your request for alcohol.
- Alcohol for Faculty/Staff events cannot be purchased from the SAQ and/or stores.
- Only tagged alcohol is permitted. See how to purchase tagged alcohol below.
- Events must be by invitation only. An invitation/guest list must exist.
- A Notice of a Reception or a Reunion Permit (obtained by caterer) is required and must be posted visible during the event.
- Event Organizer must abide by the Responsibilities regarding the Sale and Service of Alcohol on campus.
- Complete the alcohol order request form and return it to
The above applies for internal events with alcohol organized by Faculty/Staff.
- As part of the Policy on Hospitality, Meetings and Events on Campus (CFO-10), obtain prior approval from your Dean/Administrative Unit. The Prior Approval Form must be included with your request for alcohol.
- Remain onsite for the duration of the event.
- Ensure the event adheres to the Responsibilities Regarding the Sale and Service of Alcohol on Campus.
- Ensure that only tagged alcohol is available at the event.
- Purchase tagged alcohol according to instructions below.
- Ensure that the event is by invitation only.
- Ensure to have a Notice of Reception posted and visible on-site at the event.
Failure to meet the above responsibilities may result in:
- The immediate shut down of the event.
- Suspension of future alcohol event related privileges.
- Possible legal implications for the individual Event Organizer, and possibly the University.
- Alcohol can be SERVED (pre-purchased by the Event Organizer) (registration fee, cover charge and donations for event are permitted).
- Alcohol order deadline: 10 business days prior to event date
To Order
- Take a look at our alcohol menu.
- Complete your request through MyEvents
- Place your order a minimum of 10 business days prior to your event.
- Include your Prior Approval Form and email it to
Alcohol Delivery/Pick up Instructions
- The Alcohol Coordinator will contact you with instructions regarding the delivery and pick up arrangements (alcohol returned) to be made before and following the event.
Notice of a Reception
- A Notice of a Reception will be provided to you by the Alcohol Coordinator (except in the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9) rooms EFG, where the University Permanent Permit applies).
- The Notice of a Reception must be posted on-site and visible at all times during the event, otherwise the event may be cancelled.
Tagged alcohol from an Alcohol Licensed Approved Caterer is permissible for all venues on campus except the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9).
The Event Organizer is responsible to communicate directly with the caterer for all details.
- Alcohol can be SERVED (pre-purchased by the Event Organizer) (registration fee, cover charge and donations for event are permitted)
- Alcohol order deadline: 20 business days prior to event date
To Order
- Complete and return a signed copy of the the Alcohol Waiver Form and Responsibilities to the Designated Space Administrator (DSA).
- Select an Alcohol Licensed Approved Caterer from the University Approved Caterers List.
- Provide the Caterer with the Letter of Authorization (of use of space) provided by the DSA.
- Place your alcohol order directly with the Caterer a minimum of 20 business days prior to your event.
- Make all alcohol delivery arrangements directly with the Caterer.
- You will be invoiced directly by the Caterer.
You must ensure that the event is by invitation only:
- Event is not a general open invitation to all whether internal or external i.e. poster, web/social media ad
- Invitation can by way of email list serve, e-blasts, Facebook private invite
- Guests must receive an invitation (invite can be extended to your guest's plus one)
- List can show that invitee was permitted to bring guest even if guest name is not available on the list
- You have an invitation list and/or rsvp list available on-site during the event
Serving the alcohol at events (persons serving the alcohol, providing bartending or wait service) must be:
- A person who has been certified through the University's Safe Serve Program
- Any University Alcohol Licensed Approved Caterer
If you require further information regarding the process for alcohol for Faculty/Staff related events or for a specific alcohol-related event you are planning anywhere on campus, contact us:
Mathieu Lavoie, Alcohol Coordinator
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 5010
Alcohol Coordinator is the person designated by the University to manage all aspects of the ordering and provisioning of alcohol purchased pursuant to a permanent bar permit held by Concordia University (“Tagged Alcohol”) on campus for Faculty and Staff functions. The coordinator oversees events with alcohol on campus including but not limited to: ordering and managing the delivery of alcohol, issuing the Notice of a Reception, and may provide support regarding Reunion Permit requests for External members.
Alcohol-Licensed Approved Caterer are University Approved Caterers which have permanent bar permits and can provide tagged alcohol to be served and/or sold at Faculty and Staff events.
Alcohol Waiver and the Responsibilities Regarding the Sale and Service of Alcohol on Campus is applicable for all events where alcohol is served and/or sold, regardless of whether it is affiliated with a Notice of a Reception or a Reunion Permit. The event organizer must read and abide by the Responsibilities of the Sale and Service of Alcohol on Campus.
Bar Permit is a type of permanent permit issued by the Régie. Only tagged alcohol may be served and/or sold at University Faculty/Staff events and if untagged alcohol is found on the premises, it is an infraction to applicable laws/regulations and will carry sanctions.
Dean of Students Office is responsible for the Safe Server Program (SSP) and provides support regarding Reunion Permit requests for Student-related events.
Designated Space Administrator (DSA) means individuals who are authorized to reserve certain University space. They are responsible for ensuring compliance with Authorized Reservation Process, this Policy and all University policies, procedures and guidelines regarding temporary use of space, food at events and the sale and service of alcohol on University space.
Faculty/Staff Event is an event/social gathering organized by Faculty and staff whereby:
- an invitation/guest list exists (often referred to by the Régie as a “closed” event)
- only tagged alcohol is permitted
Notice of a Reception is an extension of a permanent bar permit which can be issued for an internal event organized by Faculty and staff (an event where all guests are invited and an invitation list exists) and where only tagged alcohol obtained pursuant to the permanent bar permit may be served.
Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (the “Régie”) is the governmental agency in charge of administering the alcohol laws and regulations including the issuing of permits for alcohol related events.
Reunion Permit is a temporary permit issued by the Régie to outside groups (applicable to students and external groups) to sell and/or serve alcohol at an event on Concordia premises.
Safe Serve Program (SSP) certifies community members to serve alcohol on campus. The purpose of this program is to educate servers on how to reduce alcohol-related harms through safer serving. The program is mandatory for any community member who intends to sell/serve alcohol on campus. The name of a trained server and their SSP certification number is required to book an event.
Student Events are alcohol-related events organized by Students and where a Reunion Permit is obtained by the “Régie” and alcohol is purchased by the Event Organizer in accordance with the rules that apply to that permit.
Tagged Alcohol is alcohol purchased pursuant to a permanent bar permit that bears the stamp or number related to that particular permanent permit. Tagged alcohol can be obtained through:
- the University operated bar inventory with a Notice of Reception provided to serve alcohol or
- an Alcohol Licensed University Approved Caterer and a Reunion Permit is obtained by said Caterer to serve and/or sell alcohol.
University Approved Caterer are the approved food service caterers who form part of the University’s approved caterers list and are authorized to serve alcohol on campus. aterers who form part of the University’s approved caterers list and are authorized to serve alcohol on campus.
- A signed Alcohol Waiver Form is required to have alcohol at the event. Note that for requests done through MyEvents, the Alcohol Waiver is integrated in the electronic space request form and thus not required.
- The alcohol waiver must be submitted to your DSA at least 20 business days prior to your event date.
- A Reunion Permit from the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ) is required and must be posted at your event.
For events in the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB-9), please reach out to for the alcohol procedure.
As the Event Organizer, you are responsible for adhering to the Procedures Regarding the Sale and Service of Alcohol on Campus.
In order to have alcohol at your event, you must complete, agree and return a signed copy of the Alcohol Waiver Form to your Designated Space Administrator (DSA), a minimum of 20 business days prior to the event date. Note that for requests made through MyEvents, the Alcohol Waiver is integrated in the electronic space request form and thus not required.
For all venues other than the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9), the Event Organizer is responsible to acquire a Reunion Permit via the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ) OR to have an Alcohol Licensed Approved Caterer provide this permit for them.
Once the Alcohol Waiver is completed and you have received the University Authorization Letter, you can apply for a Reunion Permit and pay the associated fees with the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ) directly.
There are two types of permits available, depending on your event:
Permit to SERVE alcohol:
- Complete the Application for a Reunion Permit
Permit to SELL alcohol: i.e. registration fee or donations accepted at event
- Complete the Application for a Reunion Permit
- Complete the Questionnaire to prove zero profit is being made.
Exception: Only non-profit organizations can make a profit from the alcohol sales.
Please consult the Régie des alcools, des courses et de jeux (RACJ) website to obtain the up to date information regarding the permit costs.
Applications must be received by the RACJ 15 days prior to your event date.
Exceptions: Applications must be received by the RACJ 30 days prior to your event for outdoor events that are open to the public and events held on January 1st, June 24th, July 1st and December 25th.
- Completed application for a Reunion Permit
- Completed questionnaire for selling, if applicable
- University Authorization Letter for use of space (provided by the DSA at Concordia)
- Payment
To submit your application:
Ensure to upload the complimentary documentation along with the completed form online before the 15-day deadline.
BY REGISTERED MAIL, allowing it to arrive prior to the 15-day deadline:
Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux, 560, boulevard Charest Est, Québec (QC) G1K 3J3
- Your Reunion Permit will be sent to you by the RACJ a few days before the event.
- You must submit a copy of the Reunion Permit to the DSA prior to the event.
- The Reunion Permit must be posted and visible at all times during the event, otherwise the event may be cancelled.
5.1 For events in the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9), purchase via the University Bar Inventory:
To Order
- Take a look at our alcohol menu.
- Have the Booking Officer of your registered student association, complete the Alcohol Order Form on MyEvents.
- Place your order a minimum of 10 business days prior to your event.
5.2 For events in any other venue on campus, using a Reunion Permit:
The Event Organizer is responsible for obtaining their own alcohol.
- For wine, alcohol can be purchased from any SAQ location.
- For beer, alcohol can be purchased from any licensed convenience store or grocery store.
Donations of alcohol are not permitted.
5.3 For events in any other venue on campus, using an Alcohol Licensed Approved Caterer's Permit:
Alcohol will be purchased through them.
Serving the alcohol at events (persons serving the alcohol, providing bartending or wait service) must be:
- A person who has been certified through the University's Safe Serve Program
- Any University Alcohol Licensed Approved Caterer
As the Event Organizer, you are responsible for adhering to the Procedures Regarding the Sale and Service of Alcohol on Campus.
In order to have alcohol at your event, you must complete, agree and return a signed copy of the Alcohol Waiver Form to your Designated Space Administrator (DSA).
The DSA will provide you with a University Letter of Authorization required to obtain your Reunion Permit.
For all venues other than the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9), the Event Organizer is responsible to acquire a Reunion Permit via the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ) OR to have an Alcohol Licensed Approved Caterer provide this permit for them.
Once the Alcohol Waiver is completed and you have received the University Authorization Letter, you can apply for a Reunion Permit and pay the associated fees with the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ) directly.
There are two types of permits available, depending on your event:
Permit to SERVE alcohol:
- Complete the online Application for a Reunion Permit here.
Permit to SELL alcohol: i.e. registration fee or donations accepted at event
- Complete the online Application for a Reunion Permit here.
- Complete the Questionnaire to prove zero profit is being made.
Exception: Only non-profit organizations can make a profit from the alcohol sales.
Please consult the Régie des alcools, des courses et de jeux (RACJ) website to obtain the up to date information regarding the permit costs.
Applications must be received by the RACJ 15 days prior to your event date.
Exceptions: Applications must be received by the RACJ 30 days prior to your event for outdoor events that are open to the public and events held on January 1st, June 24th, July 1st and December 25th.
- Completed application for a Reunion Permit
- Completed questionnaire for selling, if applicable
- University Authorization Letter for use of space (provided by the DSA at Concordia)
- Payment
Submit your application online here.
Ensure to upload the complimentary documentation along with the completed form online before the 15-day deadline.
BY REGISTERED MAIL, allowing it to arrive prior to the 15-day deadline:
Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux, 560, boulevard Charest Est, Québec (QC) G1K 3J3
- Your Reunion Permit will be sent to you by the RACJ a few days before the event.
- You must submit a copy of the Reunion Permit to the DSA prior to the event.
- The Reunion Permit must be posted and visible at all times during the event, otherwise the event may be cancelled.
5.1 For events in the Concordia University Conference Centre (MB 9), purchase via the University Bar Inventory:
To Order
- Ask your Hospitality Event Coordinator for the Alcohol Order form.
- Place your order a minimum of 10 business days prior to your event.
5.2 For events in any other venue on campus, using a Reunion Permit:
The Event Organizer is responsible for obtaining their own alcohol.
- For wine, alcohol can be purchased from any SAQ location.
- For beer, alcohol can be purchased from any licensed convenience store or grocery store.
Donations of alcohol are not permitted.
5.3 For events in any other venue on campus, using an Alcohol Licensed Approved Caterer's Permit:
Alcohol will be purchased through them.
Serving the alcohol at events (persons serving the alcohol, providing bartending or wait service) must be: