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Public information

Class 1

Access restriction

Public information is accessible to all Concordia employees.

Data protection controls

Protection such as encryption is not required for public information at-rest or in-transit.

Frequently asked questions

Public information can be stored in the following locations: 


  • Network shared drives

  • Sharepoint (external, internal, restricted)

  • Sharepoint (modern)

  • OneDrive

Public physical documents can be stored in either public or non-public areas.

You can share/transfer public information via email, social media (Yammer), Teams, etc.

Public information does not require specific labeling.

Public information does not require specific handling methods.

Public information can be shared with anyone.

Public information can be archived or be disposed in the recycling bin according to Records Management Guidelines.

Public information can be archived or deleted from workstations or devices according  to Records Management Guidelines.

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