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Adobe Creative Cloud for Students

To accommodate online learning, Concordia offers Adobe Creative Cloud suite to all students who need it as part of their registered courses, as determined by their faculty or department. The software can be downladed and installed on personal computers, and the license is valid for the duration of the course.

Who can use it?

Active students registered in eligible courses as determined by faculties and departments.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost associated to the service.

How to get it

Students in the departments below are eligible for a license.

Please visit the Faculty of Fine Arts Adobe information page for details.

Students must be registered for a Production Class. For more information, please contact the Undergraduate Program Assistant / Journalism.

Student must be enrolled in MA, PhD or be an active RA. 

Fill out this form and include a brief description of your project/need, the name of the instructor, and the course number.  For internships, thesis, or research project(s), please include the name of your supervisor.

Students have to be registered for at least one production course or are doing research creation at the MA/PHD levels to be eligible.

Students currently enrolled in courses in IT Development,  Photography and Web Design that require Adobe are eligible for an Adobe Creative Cloud license.


All other students may fill out this form to request an Adobe Creative Cloud license.

Provide this information in the request so we can confirm your eligibility:

  • Student netname and ID
  • First Name and Last Name
  • Concordia Student Email address
  • Course name and number for which you need to use a license.
  • Describe how the license will support your studies for the specific course, emphasizing the academic use.

If any of the required information is missing, your request will not be considered.

Adobe Creative Cloud license requests for personal or commercial purposes will be refused. 

Licenses are allocated based on academic use and need.

Receive confirmation from your department or IT Service Desk that your Adobe Creative Cloud license is assigned.

Service availability



See the minimum requirements for Adobe Creative Cloud.



Please fill out this form to submit your request.

Students in Fine Arts, Journalism, Education, Communication Studies and CCE should review their eligibility here or contact their department for more information.

Yes, your license permits for the software to be installed on two devices. An error message will occur if you attempt to login on a third device, asking you to log out.

First make sure you have a license and login in with the correct credentials:

  • Student netname and password

If you still require assistance, open a ticket with the IT Service Desk.

Yes, please consult the Adobe Creative Cloud for Faculty & Staff.

No, these licenses are only available for active employees.  Students with a Creative Cloud license can utilize the Adobe Acrobat Pro DC app within Creative Cloud.

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