Peer evaluation system
The peer evaluation system is an online tool used to assess the contributions of team members in various class activities.
The system allows professors to create evaluations, collect student ratings of their peers' contributions, and aggregate the results. Students can rate their peers' contributions numerically, give written feedback to their peers, and receive feedback.
Who can use it?
Faculty and students.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost associated with this service.
How to get it
- Professors may create an evaluation to be completed by their class by logging in to with their netname and password and selecting the appropriate course.
- Students may access the peer evaluation system by logging in to using their netname and password. Note: students will only be able to assess courses for which their professors have created peer evaluations.
Service availability
The Peer Evaluation System resource page contains documentation for students and professors as well as links to selected research on the top of peer assessment.
Yes. Your professor will be able to see how you evaluate each team member as well as your written feedback.
No. Team members will only receive an average rating. In addition, any comments that you provide will be anonymous.
1. Access the evaluation: Log in to using your netname and password. You will see a list of your previous and current courses which have evaluations within the Peer Assessment system. The course name, project description, start and end dates, as well as the status of the assessment will be listed. If you are within the evaluation dates, click on Ready under the status to begin the evaluation. Note that until you have reached the start date, the status will say “Not yet available” and the link will be inactive.
2. Rate your peers on four dimensions of team work: As you go through the evaluation, a new page with your team members’ names will appear for each dimension. For each member, select a score from 1 to 7. Once completed, click Next to continue assigning scores for each of the other dimensions. Once you have rated your team members on all four dimensions, you will be shown a summary of your ratings. If you would like to make changes, use the back button to go to the page you want to modify.
3. Give written feedback: At the bottom of the summary, you will need to provide written feedback to your team members. When you have finished providing your comments, click Next. Note: Comments to your team members will be given anonymously. Only your professor will be able to see what comments you made and to whom.
4. Provide optional comments: The next page of the assessment allows you to provide comments to your professor (regarding the group process) and to the system administrator (regarding the assessment process), should you so choose. Comments made to your professor will only be seen by him/her and will not be shared with your team members. These comments are optional.
5. Review and edit the evaluation, if desired: Once you click Next, your evaluation is complete and the status will say “Submitted. Can be edited until the deadline”. You will have the option to review or edit your responses until the end date of the evaluation.
6. View your evaluation and complete the post-feedback questionnaire: After the assessment deadline has passed, the professor will have a chance to review the ratings and screen any inappropriate comments. The status of the evaluation will now read “Waiting for professor to release results”. Once your professor has released the ratings, the status will change to “Results available, feedback required”. Click on the name of the evaluation to see your feedback. At the bottom of the feedback page, you are asked to complete a mandatory post-feedback questionnaire. After you have answered the questions provided, click on Submit at the bottom of the screen. The status of the evaluation will now be “Results available”.
For more info, visit the peer evaluation instruction page for students.
1. Create the evaluation: Log in to using your netname and password. You will see a list of courses you are teaching this semester, as well as courses for which you have previously created an evaluation. Choose the appropriate course and click on Create a new evaluation. Choose a start and end date for the evaluation period. You will be able to modify these dates at a later time by clicking on the date link next to each field. On this page, you have the option to name the evaluation. Note: When the students view the evaluation they will see both the full course code and section as well as the evaluation name, so you do not need to include the course title in the evaluation name.
2. Create the groups: Next, you will need to provide a list of the student groups in your class. Click on the 0 next to Number of Groups to enter the group names. You can do this by either typing them into the box directly, one name per line or, if your groups are consecutive numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), you can automatically generate group names by selecting the number of groups from the drop down menu and clicking Generate names. Once completed, click Submit.
3. Assign students to the groups: Click the Assign Students to Groups button or click on the 0 next to Number of Students. You will now see the list of the students in your course with a drop-down menu next to each name. Select the appropriate group for each student. If a student has dropped the course, select NO GROUP: student dropped course.
Note that if there are any errors in the group membership that need to be corrected after the evaluation begins, the evaluation must be deleted. All completed responses will be deleted and must be redone by the students. To have an evaluation deleted, contact
4. Review and complete the evaluation setup: When you are finished assigning your groups, click Submit. You will be notified on the next page if you had any groups of either 1 or 2 students, or if you selected “No group” for any student. If these assignments were intentional, select Click here to return to the Evaluation Details. If corrections are needed, select Click here to review or edit the groups again. Once you have completed the group assignment, your evaluation setup is done.
For more info, visit the peer evaluation instruction page for professors.
As soon as students are assigned to a group, they will see the evaluation listed the next time they log in. However, they will only be able to begin evaluating their peers once the start date has been reached. Students will receive an email the day that the evaluation opens, as well as a reminder the day before the evaluation closes. If you modify the start or end date, they will get another email with this new information.
For more info, visit the peer evaluation instruction page for professors.
Yes, but if you have assigned students to groups, you must make a request to have an evaluation deleted. To do so, contact the Note that if an evaluation is deleted, all completed responses will be deleted and must be redone by the students.
There are 3 different ways that the results can be displayed:
- Summary of results: This shows the average scores that the student has received on each dimension as well as an overall average.
- Detailed results: This shows the numerical averages as well as the written comments for each student.
- Listing of student submissions: This shows how each student rated their peers.
For more info, visit the peer evaluation instruction page for professors.
Yes. You must review and release the results in order for the students to view them. At this stage, you may remove any comments which are offensive or hurtful.
For more info, visit the peer evaluation instruction page for professors.