French terminology in the workplace
For French learners to get familiar with engineering-specific terms
There are free online glossaries and dictionaries for French learners in different industries:
- Outils pour les personnes apprenantes, which includes basic French vocabulary for engineers:
- Du génie au travail: vocabulaire de l'ingénierie (with French pronounciation and English translation)
- Lexiques et vocabulaires, glossaries of technical terms with English translations for different domains, which include:
- Vitrine linguistique, a search tool that allows quick access to French resources by Office québécois de la langue française, including specialized terms, translations, and grammar.
- TERMIUM Plus®, a data bank by the Government of Canada to search terms, abbreviations, definitions and usage examples in a range of specialized fields in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Concordia Library has English-French and French-English dictionaries related to science, technology, and engineering, with a majority of them in print, but some in digital format. Here are a few highlights:
- DARE's Dictionary of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (online)
- Dictionary of civil engineering : English-French (print)
- Dictionary for automotive engineering : English, French, German = Dictionnaire du génie automobile : anglais, franc̦ais, allemand : avec définitions des termses franc̦ais (print)
- Dictionnaire de l'aéronautique et de l'espace = Dictionary of aeronautics & space technology (print)
- Dictionnaire de l'informatique : français-anglais, anglais-français (print)
- Dictionnaire illustré des activités de l'entreprise, français-anglais : industrie, techniques et gestion (print)
- Dictionnaire scientifique anglais-français (print)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering : English, German, French, Dutch, Russian (online)