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Finding theses and dissertations

Concordia Library has a copy of almost every thesis submitted to the university. The master copy is kept in Special Collections at the Vanier Library along with any available non-print components (film, slides, etc.). In most cases, a circulating copy or a microfiche copy is also available in the Webster or Vanier Libraries. In addition, electronic copies of Concordia dissertations and theses published since 1997 can be downloaded from Sofia.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses provides citations with abstracts to over two million doctoral dissertations and masters theses published from 1861 to 2023. It lists 90% of dissertations and theses published in North America and about 10% of the content represents documents published elsewhere in the world. Abstracts are included for dissertations since July 1980, and for masters theses since 1988. Most of the full text starts from 1997 to the present including some that go as far back as the early 1900's

WorldCat is a worldwide union catalogue created and maintained collectively by more than 10,000 member institutions, including Concordia Library. Its resources span thousands of years and include lists of materials from books to recordings to archives.

  • Use Advanced Search for more search options, such as language, format, audience, subject and genre

Spectrum, Concordia University's open access research repository, provides access to and preserves research created at Concordia. By depositing in Spectrum, Concordia scholars provide free and immediate access to their work and thus increase the visibility of both their own research and their university's intellectual output. Open access leads to the increased research profile and impact of scholars by bringing about greater levels of readership and citation of their publications. It is obligatory to deposit theses in Spectrum.

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