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First Peoples Studies Journal Articles

Find journal articles on First Peoples Studies and Indigenous related topics using library databases and core recommended journals.  

Interdisciplinary Databases

Academic Search Complete  - interdisciplinary articles from North America on a variety of topics, including Indigenous matters

Google Scholar How to set up Google Scholar to find Concordia Resources - interdisciplinary articles from all subject areas

ProQuest Combined Canadian - articles from Canadian journals and newspapers on a variety of subject areas

Indigenous Subject Databases

Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America - articles covering all aspects of Indigenous North American culture, history, and life: archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy. 

Indigenous Studies Portal - articles from multiple subject areas related to Indigenous Peoples in Canada, browsable by subject and community, limit results to Indigenous author/creator.

Yellowhead Institute Community Resource Library - no peer-reviewed articles but reports, factsheets, infographics and more from a First Nation-led research centre based in the Faculty of Arts at Toronto Metropolitan University. Search, or browse via the RESEARCH at the top of the page.

Northern and Arctic Studies Portal (Atiku) -  the best international documentary resources for research on the North and the Arctic, presented in 3 thematic collections and 6 collections by types of documents.

Autochtonia – books, articles, & theses related to the First Peoples of Quebec, primarily in French 

History & Art Databases

America: History and Life  - articles on the history of Canada and the U.S., including history of Indigenous Peoples

JSTOR - articles related on world history, humanities and social science topics

ARTBibliographies Modern - articles on modern art, including the art of Indigenous Peoples 

Social Sciences Databases

SocINDEX - articles related to sociology, social issues, social work, etc.

Political Science Complete - articles related to politics, government, and political theory

HeinOnline Law Journal Library  - articles from law journals, on legal issues from the U.S., Canada and International law

Linguistics & language behavior abstracts - articles related to languages, use this database to find articles on language revitalization, recovery or at-risk languages

Search Vocabulary

If you are searching for a broad topic that relates to Indigenous Peoples or communities, try a search with a variety of terms like the following:

  • (Indigenous OR Aboriginal OR "First Nations" OR Metis OR Inuit) AND "cultural protocols"
  • Inuit AND self-government AND Nunavut 

Use the name of the community or peoples you are searching for in your search strategy, for example:

The Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) Peoples of Kahnawake are part of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy are a First Nation and are Indigenous Peoples

Search strategy:

  • (Kanien'kehá:ka OR Kanienkehaka OR Mohawk OR Haudenosaunee) AND (Kahnawake OR Kahnawà:ke) AND education 

*Try your search with and without accents and diacritics

For more specific help with terminology please see the Terminology guidelines for searching & writing about Indigenous peoples

Finding specific First Nation community names:

Government of Canada - First Nation Profiles

Canadian Encyclopedia - Indigenous Peoples - Interactive Map of Indigenous Languages, ​Territories and Treaties

11 Nations Autochtones & Centre d'amitié autochtones - from Amnesty International, this map identifies the 10 First Nations and Inuit in Quebec, and locations of 55 Indigenous communities and friendship centres. (PDF)

Quebec Secrétariat for Relations with First Nations and Inuit - Profil des nations: Fiches descriptives pour découvrir les 11 nations autochtones du Québec.


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