Sources in geography
This guide lists a selection of the more important sources of information on Geography available at Concordia Library. It includes material held in the Webster Library on the Sir George Williams Downtown Campus, the Vanier Library (VAN) on the Loyola Campus and/or available online. Most materials are located in the Reference area (REF) or electronically. This is not a complete list. Additional resources may be found by searching the Sofia Discovery tool.
Major Databases
- Geobase
Citations with abstracts to literature in physical and human geography, geology, mineralogy, ecology and development studies. Integrates the content of several print indexes, including Geographical Abstracts and Ecological Abstracts. - Web of Science
Citation index to the social sciences and sciences. - Scopus
Citation index to the social sciences and sciences.
Databases Related to Geography
- Academic Search Complete
- ASTIS - Arctic Science and Technology Information System
Contains over 56,000 records describing publications and research projects about northern Canada. - Bibliography of Asian Studies
- BIOSIS previews
BIOSIS Previews is the most comprehensive index in life sciences. Subject coverage: biogeography, ecology, environmental biology and much more. - Compendex
An engineering database. - PAIS Index
A database covering political, economic and social issues - TRID Database
TRID is an integrated database that combines the records from U.S.Transportation Research Board's Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database and the OECD's Joint Transport Research Centre's International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) Database.
- Companion encyclopedia of geography: the environment and humankind: ONLINE
- Companion encyclopedia of geography: from local to global: REF G 116 C645 2007 WEBSTER
- International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology (ONLINE)
- International encyclopedia of human geography: ONLINE
- Canadian Geographical Names Database: ONLINE
- Columbia gazetteer of the world: REF G 103.5 C645 1998 VAN WEBSTER
- Concise gazetteer of Canada: REF FC 35 C67 1997 VAN WEBSTER
- Geo-data : the world geographical encyclopedia: REF G 103.5 G46 2002 WEBSTER
- Geographic Names Server [United States and International Places]: ONLINE
- Noms et lieux du Québec: REF FC 2906 N84 2006 WEBSTER
- Merriam-Webster's geographical dictionary: REF G 103.5 W42 1997 VAN
- National atlas of Canada (1978, 5th ed) REF G 1115 C55 VAN WEBSTER Atlas stand
- National atlas of Canada online (6th ed): ONLINE
- National Geographic Atlas of the World: G 1021 N38 2005 VAN Atlas stand
- Topographic Maps of Canada. 1:50,000 and 1:250,000. G 3401 svar C35 WEBSTER Map Collection
- Oxford Atlas of the World (2018 ed) REF G 1021 G43283 2018 WEBSTER
For atlases of individual countries, check SOFIA. e.g. Subject: Canada maps
For thematic atlases check SOFIA. e.g. Keyword: energy maps
- Canada Year Book: REF F 5003 C3A3 VAN WEBSTER
- Census of Canada: WEBSTER GOVT PUB and ONLINE
- Human Activity and the Environment: Online
- Montréal en statistiques: ONLINE
- OECD Publications & Data: Online
- Statesman's yearbook: ONLINE
- Statistical yearbook. United Nations: Online
- World economic and social survey: Online