Library services
First Peoples Studies librarian
Michelle Lake is the librarian for First Peoples Studies, Political Science, the School of Community and Public Affairs and Government Publications at Concordia Library.
Librarians working in these subject areas design and teach course and resource-specific library workshops throughout the year. These workshops typically include identifying appropriate keywords, designing search strategies, locating scholarly sources, citation and evaluation of information.
Contact Michelle to plan workshops.
Course reserves
Faculty and instructors can use the online Course Reserves system to request print books, ebooks and journal articles be placed on physical course reserve or ereserve for their courses and students.
Requests can be submitted using the online request form in the Course Reserves system. You can fill in the citation and we will retrieve the book, article, video, or other material you want to make available to your students via the course readings system.
All hardcopies (e.g. textbooks, DVDs) will be placed in the Course Reserves Room in the library of your choice: Webster, SGW campus or Vanier, Loyola campus.
You can assign your teaching assistant (TA) as a Proxy Instructor for your course much in the same way you would do it in Moodle. Your TA can then manage course reserves on your behalf.
Note: All required undergraduate textbooks are automatically ordered through the Concordia Bookstore and placed on course reserve in the library on the campus where the course is taught.