Academic Journal Articles About Journalism
These two databases are essential starting points when searching for academic journal articles within the field of journalism studies:
It is often necessary to search additional databases such as for historical, literary or Canadian treatments. Suggested databases are listed below.
Articles about journalism may also appear in journals of other disciplines such as political science, communication studies, cultural studies etc., It is therefore often useful to search within the large multidisciplinary databases as well.
- Historical Abstracts
Essential for journalism history topics outside of North America - America History & Life
Essential for journalism history topics in Canada and the United States.
- Literature Resource Center
Biographical and critical information on literary journalists - Literature Online
Includes primary works, reference works and literary criticism. It includes ABELL (Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature) and MLAIB (MLA International Bibliography), important databases to find literary criticism of authors. To access ABELL and MLAIB and a combined search of both databases, click on Criticism and Reference, then Criticism.
Canadian and international periodical coverage, with an emphasis on mainstream and academic titles available in Canadian libraries. Indexed periodical coverage from 1988 to the present; fulltext periodical coverage from 1995 to the present, and information from Gale science, biography and geography databases. - Canadian business & current affairs (CBCA Complete)
Indexed and full text material from a range of Canadian sources, including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, reports, radio and television transcripts, news, dissertations, and more. The resource includes articles and records from 1933 to the present.
- Index to Journalism Periodicals
An index to journalism periodicals published between 1984 and 1996 by the University of Western Ontario's School of Journalism. Contains 24,000 citations from trade, professional and academic journals related to journalism and mass communications. While most of the titles indexed are from Canada or the USA, some international journals are also indexed. No longer updated. - Periodicals Archive Online
Periodicals archive online makes the backfiles of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences available electronically, International and multilingual.
- Academic Search Complete
- Arts and Humanities Index
- Scopus
- Web of Science (covers many disciplines in addition to science)