Marketing yourself
The purpose of this guide is to help in locating information and data/statistics for creating a marketing plan.
The resources listed here are mainly free Websites, unless otherwise noted, with a focus on Canadian sources of information.
Most of these locations will give you access to information but also to research assistance. If you are having difficulty with your research you may want to visit one of these sites in person.
- Concordia University Library: Consult the homepage for access to databases, research guides by subject and help & instruction.
- Career Planning Services: A unit of Student Success Center. The SSC houses a library with information on careers and occupations. Please see their website for a description of their services.
- Career Management Services (CMS): (service to students and alumni of the John Molson School of Business). Please see their website for a description of their services. Location: MB 004-301.
- Bibliotheque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ): The BAnQ makes available to Quebec residents, onsite and remotely, many useful resources.
- For access to their online databases from home, subscribe to their remote services by clicking on Subscription on the homepage and then Remote Services.
- Once you have obtained a password, online databases can be accessed at the following link, click on By Theme to get a list of databases by subject.
- Other places to go: If you are not in Montreal you may want to visit the nearest public library or university library to see what resources are available to you. In addition, look for local government and business related organizations that might have research facilities or documentation centres near you. Also seek out the Websites for these types of organizations; they may provide research guides online that can be helpful to you. For example the Canada Business Network service centres.
The following sites may provide descriptions, data (including statistics), salary information for careers and professions or links to these types of websites.
- (Canada): Canadian government site providing "profiles of 265 occupational groups covering the entire Canadian labour market..." in addition to other resources.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook (US): US government site providing profiles of hundreds or occupations.
- Career Cruising (Canada): available via the BAnQ. Subscription is necessary (see access information for the BAnQ). Provides information (in French & English) on many types of careers and professions, including descriptions, working conditions, earnings, related organizations (including associations), etc.
- Repères (Quebec): available via the BAnQ. Subscription is necessary (see access information for the BAnQ). Provides information (in French only) on many types of careers and professions, including descriptions, working conditions, earnings, statistics on job placement according to degrees acquired, etc.
- Emploi Québec (Quebec): provides a French and English interface. Gives descriptions of careers including wage information and related statistics.
- Labour Market Information (Canada)
- Almanac of Post-Secondary Education (Canada): This online publication, published by the Canadian Association of University Teachers, provides statistics on enrollment and degrees awarded for many community college and university programs.
If you are considering starting a business these resources can help give you an idea of what is involved. Some provide guides for specific types of businesses.
- Info Entrepreneurs (Quebec): Canada Business Network site for Quebec providing information on all aspects of starting a business.
- Canada Business (Canada): provides links to information on starting a business, government services and business service centres in each province or territory.
- Services aux Entreprises, Québec (Quebec): Quebec government site providing information on all aspects of starting a business in Quebec.
- Industry Canada - Business Tools and Resources (Canada): "This section of the Industry Canada site (formerly Strategis) provides tools and resources for businesses including entrepreneurs, business owners, retailers and manufacturers."
- For additional resources see: Entrepreneurship Research Guide -- Guides to Starting a Business
- Industry Canada - By Industrial Sector (Canada): this website provides reports and data on many Canadian industries.
- Market Research Handbook - Statistics Canada (Canada): see section on Business & Industry Statistics.
- The Daily - Statistics Canada (Canada): Via the Daily, Statistics Canada informs the public on what survey data has become available any particular day. You can search the archives by using the Search box. Descriptions of surveys may include a short analysis of an industry as well as statistics. Note: should you come across CANSIM tables requiring a fee for access, ask at your library if these can be accessed for free (at Concordia University CANSIM tables can be accessed for free here).
- GDSourcing - Subject Index (Canada): provides a list, organized by subject, of online sources with Canadian industry statistics.
- Associations Canada (Canada): annual publication of the Canadian Almanac & Directory Publishing Co. This directory lists associations by subject and should be available in print in most public and academic libraries. Trade associations often provide industry information via their Websites, which may include statistics and links to other related organizations.
- A print copy can be found at the Reference Desk of both Webster & Vanier Libraries at Concordia.
- It is also available online at the BAnQ via the Canada's Infodesk database. Subscription is necessary (see access information for the BAnQ).
- Industry Canada - Directory of Business and Trade Associations/Organizations (Canada): list of Canadian industry associations listed alphabetically, by province and by industrial sector. Keyword search also available. Trade associations often provide industry information via their Websites, which may include statistics and links to other related organizations.
- Statistics - Online Reference - Concordia Library (Canada, US & International): list of sources for statistics compiled by the librarians at Concordia Library.
- For additional resources see: Entrepreneurship Research Guide -- Industry Reports & Data
These resources may provide you with statistics and demographics relating to consumers.
- Market Research Handbook - Statistics Canada (Canada): includes sections on Population growth, Labour market and Income statistics and Consumer expenditures.
- 2006 Community Profiles (Census) (Canada): provides census data on education, income and work, families and dwellings, births and deaths for Canadian communities. Data for 2001 can also be accessed from this page and may be more detailed.
- 2006 Census Tract (CT) Profiles (Canada): Canadian census data for smaller geographic areas, locatable by postal code.
- 2006 Topic-based tabulations (Census) (Canada): "Topic-based tabulations present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. They range in complexity and are available for various levels of geography."
- Montréal en Statistiques (Canada): this site is part of the Official Website of the City of Montreal. Scroll down this page to access socio-economic profiles for each of Montreal's boroughs (French language only).
- Statistics - Online Reference - Concordia Library (Canada, US & International): list of sources for statistics compiled by the librarians at Concordia Library.
- For additional resources see: Entrepreneurship Research Guide -- Market & Consumer Data or Entrepreneurship Research Guide -- Demographic Data
The following resources can be helpful for finding potential competitors and/or customers (depending on the industry you are researching). These sites will allow you to create lists and will usually provide location and contact information, but may also provide an idea of the size of the company (ex: number of employees, sales) and description of their products and/or services.
- YellowPages ( this site has tools for creating lists of businesses by category, by address and by proximity to a specified address (can be useful for creating a list of competitors).One the best sources for finding retailers and restaurants by city.
- ICRIQ ( extensive and up-to-date online directory of Quebec manufacturers, wholesale and distributors and other industry targeted service companies, example: accounting, advertising, event planning, etc. Company information includes range of sales. Free resource, but registration required.
- Industry Canada - Canadian Company Capabilities ( this website includes a business to business directory which can be searched according to various criteria including keyword, geography, NAICS code, size, sales. Access to "Specialized Directories" (including one for associations) is also provided. Companies register to be included in the directory.
- For additional resources see: Entrepreneurship Research Guide -- Company Information
In articles you may find information about your career or business activity (industry), your competitors, your market, etc. You can search for articles on any topic using the databases listed below.
- All of the databases listed, unless otherwise noted, are available remotely (online) via both Concordia University Library and the Bibliotheque et Archives nationales du Quebec (BAnQ):
- The following are indexes to local, national and some international publications with coverage of current events (ex: newspapers), business and industry news (ex: trade publications), and research (ex: scholarly journals). Look for links with Help (usually top right corner) for tips on searching.
- Canadian Newsstream: indexes and gives current full text access to many Canadian Newspapers, including the Gazette (Montreal).
- CBCA Complete: multidisciplinary index, covering over 1000 Canadian publications (newspapers, magazines, scholarly publications) including business sources, some with full text access.
- ABI/Inform Global and Trade & Industry: important index to business and management publications, both scholarly and trade, with international scope and some full text access.
- ProQuest Entrepreneurship (only available at the BAnQ): this database contains articles on all aspects of starting a business as well as other resources. Most articles are in English.
- For additional resources see: Entrepreneurship Research Guide -- Articles in Journals, Magazines & Newspapers
- Some guides that can help you with finding articles and creating a bibliography:
- How to find articles
- How to prepare a bibliography using citation and style guides
- Research tutorial: Info Research 101
- How to use the Find it @ Concordia link to locate fulltext articles when searching in Concordia's databases
- For access to additional guides see: Help & Instruction