Websites on Philosophy and Philosophers

- Canadian Philosophical Association
- American Philosophical Society
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
- Philosophy Now
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Voice of the Shuttle
- Friedrich Nietzsche Society
- Kant on the Web
- The Center for Dewey Studies
- UC Irvine Critical Theory Institute Resource
Covers both theories and theorists from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
- William James
- Philosophical Books
- Features scholarly book reviews of works in philosophy.
- Philosophy News
- Provides philosophy news and announcements from around the world.
- Canadian Bioethics Society
- University Philosophy Departments
- A collection of links to web pages for university departments worldwide.
- Critical Theory – Links suggested by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Denver
- Episteme Links: philosophy resources on Internet
- Includes thousands of sorted links to philosophy resources on the internet.
- Ethics Updates
- Provides updates on current literature, both popular and professional, that relates to ethics.
- Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
- Users can browse through an extensive list of categories related to philosophy, including guides, journals, e-texts, newsgroups, bibliographies, associations, dictionaries and individual philosophers. Prepared by Peter Suber, Philosophy Department, Earlham College.
- Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
- An international, encyclopedic guide to the important figures, schools, and movements in literary theory. Its chronological range extends from Plato and Aristotle to the present.
- Philosophy of Law
- Erratic Impact: Philosophy Research Base