Library Sources in Physics
This guide lists a selection of the more important sources of information on Physics available at Concordia Library. It includes material held in the Webster Library (WEB) on the Sir George Williams Downtown Campus, the Vanier Library (VAN) on the Loyola Campus and/or available online. Most materials are located in the Reference area (REF). This is not a complete list. Additional resources may be found by searching the Sofia Discovery Tool.
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- Guide to Information Sources in the Physical Sciences: REF QC 5.35 S74 2000 VAN WEB
- Information Sources in Science and Technology: REF Q 158.5 H87+ 1998 VAN WEB
- Dent Dictionary of Measurement: REF QC 82 D36 1994 VAN WEB
- Dictionary of Applied Physics - 5 vol.: QC 5 G62 VAN 3rd floor
- Dictionary of Physics: REF QC 5 C56 2009 VAN
- Dictionary of Physics (through Oxford Reference Online Premium): ONLINE
- Dictionary of Pure and Applied Physics: REF QC 5 D485 2001 VAN WEB
- Dictionary of Spectroscopy: QC 450.3 D46 1986 VAN 3rd floor
- Dictionnaire de physique: REF QC 5 L33 VAN
- Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics - 9 vol.: REF QC 5 E5 VAN
- Encyclopedia of Acoustics - 4 vol.: REF QC 221.5 E53 1997 VAN WEB
- Encyclopedia of Applied Physics: ONLINE
- Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry - 3 vol: REF QD 451 E53 2001 VAN
- Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather - 2 vol.: REF QC 854 E523 1996 VAN WEB
- Encyclopedia of Modern Physics: QC 5 E544 1990 VAN 3rd floor
- Encyclopedia of Physics: REF QC 5 E545 1991 VAN
- Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy & Spectrometry: ONLINE
- Facts on File Dictionary of Physics: REF QC 5 F34 1988 VAN
- Illustrated Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: REF QC 133 K36 1999 VAN
- McGraw Hill Dictionary of Physics and Mathematics: QC 5 M23 VAN 3rd floor WEB REF
- Physics in Medicine & Biology Encyclopedia - 2 vol.: REF R 895 A3P47 1986 VAN
- Solid State Physics Source Book: REF QC 176 S63 1988 VAN
- Twentieth Century Physics - 3 vol.: REF QC 7 T84 1995 VAN
- Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations - 25 videodiscs: Vanier Circulation Desk 3hr reserve QC 33 V54 2000 DVD
- World of Physics - 2 vol.: REF QC 5 W67 2001 VAN
- AIP Physics Desk Reference: QC 61 P49 2003 VAN 3rd floor WEB REF
- American Institute of Physics Handbook: QC 61 A5 1972 VAN 3rd floor
- CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (latest at VAN Reference Desk): REF QD 65 H3 VAN WEB ONLINE
- Electrical Resistivity Handbook: REF QC 610.6 E44 1992 VAN
- Formulas, facts, and constants for students and professionals in engineering, chemistry, and physics: REF QC 61 F58 1982 WEB
- Fundamental Measures and Constants for Science and Technology: QC 39 R66 VAN 3rd floor
- Handbook of Acoustics: QC 228.8 C76 1998 VAN 3rd floor WEB REF
- Handbook of Applied Superconductivity - 2 vol.: REF QC 611.924 H36 1998 VAN WEB
- Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: QC 173 S67 2006 VAN 3rd floor WEB REF ONLINE
- Handbook of Condensed Matter and Materials Data: REF QC 173.454 S67 2005 VAN ONLINE VAN Circulation Desk
- Handbook of Electron Spin Resonance - 2 vol.: QC 762 P63 1994 VAN 3rd floor
- Handbook of Heat Transfer: REF QC 320 R528 1998 VAN WEB
- Handbook of Lasers: REF TA 1683 W44 2001 WEB
- Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables: REF QA 3 U5 no.55 1972 WEB ONLINE
- Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids: REF QC 176.8 O6H36 VAN ONLINE
- Handbook of Optics - 4 vol.: REF QC 369 H35 1995 VAN WEB
- Handbook of Physical Quantities: REF QC 61 H36 1997 VAN
- Handbook of Physics: REF QC 61 H364 2002 VAN ONLINE
- Handbook of Superconductivity: REF QC 611.924 P66 2000 VAN WEB
- Handbook of Tables of Functions for Applied Optics: REF QC 369 L43 VAN ONLINE
- Handbook of Thermodynamic Tables: REF QC 311.5 R3913 1995 VAN
- Handbook of Thermo-Optic Coefficients of Optical Materials with Applications: REF QC 374 G46 1998 VAN
- Handbuch der physik (Encyclopedia of Physics) - 54 vol.: QC 21 H32 VAN 3rd floor
- International Critical Tables - 8 vol.: REF Q 199 N3 VAN WEB ONLINE
- Landolt Bornstein Numerical Data (Series): QC 61 L33 VAN 3rd floor
- Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook: REF QC 39 M393 1999 VAN WEB ONLINE
- Physics Handbook: Fundamentals and Key Equations: REF QC 61 P65 2007
- Properties of Optical and Laser-Related Materials: REF QC 374 N55 1997 VAN WEB
- Reference Data on Atoms, Molecules, and Ions: REF QC 173 R2613 1985 VAN
- Semiconductors-Basic Data: REF QC 611.45 S46 1996 VAN
- Sensors Handbook: ONLINE
- Smithsonian Physical Tables: REF QC 61 S6 1969 VAN ONLINE
- Superconductivity Sourcebook: QC 611.92 H86 1989 VAN 3rd floor
- Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants and Some Mathematical Functions: QC 61 K3 1986 VAN 3rd floor
- Vapour Pressures of Pure Substances: REF QC 304 B7 VAN
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia: QB 14 A873 1992 VAN 3rd floor
- Astronomy Encyclopedia: QB 14 A875 2002 VAN 3rd floor
- Atlas of the Planets: REF QB 601 C3413 VAN
- Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stars: REF QB 801.6 K35 2006
- Color Atlas of Galaxies: REF QB 857 W73 1988 VAN
- Data Book of Astronomy: REF QB 64 M623 2011 VAN
- De Vaucouleurs Atlas of Galaxies: REF QB 857 B88 2007 VAN
- Dictionary of Astronomical Names: QB 14 R66 1988 VAN 3rd floor
- Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics - 4 vol.: REF QB 14 E525 2001 VAN
- Encyclopedia of Cosmology: QB 980.5 E53 1993 VAN 3rd floor
- Encyclopedia of the Solar System: REF QB 501 E52 2007 WEB ONLINE
- Handbook of Space Astronomy & Astrophysics: REF QB 136 Z65 2007 VAN ONLINE
- International Encyclopedia of Astronomy: REF QB 14 I58 1987 WEB
- Macmillan Dictionary of Astronomy: QB 14 M25 1985 VAN 3rd floor
- Observer's Handbook (current and earlier years): QB 9 R7 VAN 3rd floor
These are the major databases that index the literature of physics and related areas. For the full list and further content descriptions visit the Concordia Library Database Finder:
- Contains Physics Abstracts, Electrical & Electronics Abstracts and Computer & Control Abstracts.
- Connect with remote access from Concordia Library Database Finder.
- Chemical Abstracts from 1907
- Includes information on substances and reactions
- Accessible at Vanier and Webster Libraries' workstations or from computers within the Concordia IP range
- Includes Science Citation Index from 1989 onwards
- Connect with remote access from Concordia Library Database Finder
- Science Citation Index from 1985 to 1988 is available on CD-ROM at Vanier workstation V-140,and from 1965-1992 in print (Z 7401 S365 VAN Index)
Proquest Dissertations and Theses - Full Text
- Citations from 1861 onwards (90% from North America)
- Abstracts for doctoral dissertations from July 1980 and from 1988 for masters theses
- Full text mainly from 1997 to 2023
- Connect with remote access from Concordia Library Database Finder
- Dissertation Abstracts International B: The Sciences and Engineering, 1966 to 2000, is available in print (Z 5055 U5A53 B VAN Index).