POLI 405
Background & Country Information
- The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems.
- Oxford Bibliographies - Political Science: Elections
- Oxford Bibliographies - Political Science: Democracy
- The Statesman's Yearbook 2025: the politics, cultures and economies of the world.
- Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Viewpoint (Including Democracy Index)
- HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated: Contemporary & Historical Documents & Resources - current constitution of every country in the world in its original language along with at least one English translation
- IDEA: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance: Reports on: electoral processes, political parties, constitution-building, democracy and gender, and conflict assessment.
- Freedom in the World reports - comparative assessment of global political rights and civil liberties.
Government Information Guide - with custom search for Intergovernmental Organization publications
Newspaper Databases
- International Newsstream - news content from outside the U.S. and Canada, in multiple languages.
- Canadian Newsstream - Canadian English daily newspapers, including the Globe & Mail, Montreal Gazette, Toronto Star, National Post and many regional and local papers.
- US Newsstream - Major US daily newspapers, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall street journal, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Boston Globe, LA Times, USA Today and many more regional and local newspapers.
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers - New York Times Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Globe and Mail (1844 - 3 years ago)
- Times Digital Archive 1785 Onwards (Gale Primary Sources) - Times of London, 1785-2006.
Scholarly Books & Journal Articles
Sofia - for print books, ebooks, government information and journal articles
- Political Science Complete - search for articles in International relations, Comparative politics, International politics, International organizations, Security, Foreign policy, Human rights, Political economy, U.S. Politics, Public policy, Elections
- JSTOR - Multidisciplinary database, with archival holdings of older articles
- HeinOnline Law Journal Library - search for articles in Law journals, Canadian, American and international law, Constitutional law
- Annual Review of Political Science - open review, articles give an overview or survey of a particular topic, they are a good place to find extensive reference lists
- Google Scholar - multidisciplinary -> See also: How to set up Google Scholar to find Concordia Resources
Peer review
Learn about peer review and how to evaluate peer reviewed articles
- How do I know if an article is scholarly or peer reviewed? (Library Research Skills Tutorial)