POLI 486
Academic, scholarly, peer reviewed sources
Sofia Discovery Search - to find ebooks, print books, government publications and some journal articles at Concordia Library
Journal Article Databases
Political Science Complete - full-text Political Science journal article database, with an excellent thesaurus
HeinOnline Law Journal Library - search for articles in Law journals, Canadian, American and international law, Constitutional law
Google Scholar - Google's academic database, use on campus or set-up library links for use off campus, to access Concordia resrouces
Non-Academic Sources
Government Information, International Organizations, and NGO Sources
IGO Government information search - choose intergovernmental organizations from the drop down menu
Selected Inter-Governmental Organizations
United Nations Entities
- U.N. Human Rights Council
- U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- State of the World's Children - Produced by UNICEF, this annual report includes downloadable statistical tables that can be customized.
Regional Inter-Governmental Organizations
- African Union
- Council of Europe (CoE)
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
- Organization of American States (OAS)
- U.S. Dept of State - Human Rights Reports
Selected Non-Governmental Organizations
- Amnesty International
- Visit the What We Do page for information about specific human rights issues.
- Advanced Search - Enter keywords to locate AI's reports on human rights in specific jurisdictions. Use the filters on the left to limit by Content Type (research), Topic, Country, and Resource Type (report or annual report).
- Human Rights Watch
- Use the main menu bar to browse by country or by topic.
- Use the Publications Tool to search for reports by keyword and filter by country, by date, and by topic.
- Visit the About Our Research page for information about HRW's research methodologies.
- Human Rights First
Refugees International - Advocating for lifesaving assistance and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. Includes in depth reports on displacement issues in specific countries and regions.
Tools for Identifying Additional NGOs That Focus on Human Rights
- Worldwide NGO Directory
Maintained by the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO), this online directory offers one of the most comprehensive free listings of NGOs operating at the international, regional, and national levels.- To browse geographically, click on one of the geographic regions listed below the map.
- Or open the Search Template to search by keyword or area of focus. Limit by region or country, if desired.
Human Rights and law
- International Criminal Court (ICC): Resource Library - Leading information services on international criminal law. Legal information, digests and an application to work more effectively with core international crimes cases (involving war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide or aggression)
- Leiden journal of international law - Covers two vital areas: international legal theory & international dispute settlement. Comprehensive coverage of international tribunals in The Hague (such as the ICJ, ICTY, ICC, etc. Peer reviewed, 1996-present [e-journal]
- Netherlands international law review - Public and private international law. Articles, case notes, commentaries, book reviews and overviews of the latest legal developments in The Hague. Peer reviewed, 2003-present [e-journal]
- Routledge handbook of international law (2009) - ebook
- UN Research Guide on International Law - Information from and about the UN’s various Courts and Tribunals.
- United Nations: International Law- Provides information about the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice.
Annotated Bibliographies and Chicago Style
Annotated Bibliographies - Prudue OWL
- Sample Annotations - Chicago style
How to write an annotated bibliogprahy - Concordia Library
Chicago Style
Chicago style guide - guidelines and examples prepared by Concordia Library
Chicago Manual of Style - Author- Date Quick Guide
Zotero - citation manager