<a name="articles"></a>Articles

To find a specific journal or article for which you have the title of the journal, see our E-Journals page. For more information on finding articles, see How to find articles.
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLAS Serials
ATLA covers world religions, Bible Studies, Church history, and religious perspectives on social issues. It includes articles from journals, essays from multi-author works, and book reviews. 1949-onwards. Updated semi-annually.
Searching Scriptures (video tutorial): This research tool allows you to browse by book, chapter and verse of the Bible. For example, you can find comments on Job, chapter 32, verse 17. You can also select articles that are published in scholarly/ peer-reviewed journals within a specific time frame.
Searching against subject headings for sacred texts of world religions (video tutorial): This allows you to search for specific subjects in a sacred text.
- Academic Search Complete
A major multi-disciplinary English-language fulltext database. Indexes academic journals, magazines and some newspapers. Includes abstracts and links to articles. 1975 onwards. Updated daily.
- America: History and Life
Includes abstracts. Covers all aspects of U.S. and Canadian history, culture and current affairs, including religious history, from prehistoric times to the present.Links to fulltext articles. - Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
Please note: the Catholic Periodical and Literature Index was merged into the ATLAS Religion Database as of July 1, 2018. Indexes articles published in Roman Catholic periodicals, as well as to papal documents, church promulgations, and books about the Catholic faith, authored by Catholics, or produced by Catholic publishers. 1981 onwards. No abstracts. Links to articles. - Francis
A European, multilingual, multidisciplinary database covering journals and other documents in a range of subjects, including religion. Abstracts. Links to fulltext and Sofia Discovery tool. Please note: FRANCIS is no longer being updated so as of January 1, 2017. The Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (INIST-CNRS), who produced this database, is now providing free access to the FRANCIS database, along with PASCAL database content, on their website (http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/home/). The online content in the FRANCIS database is from 1972 to 2015.
- New Testament Abstracts
Indexes the scholarly literature, journal articles and books, on New Testament studies, from 1985 onwards. Includes abstracts. Links to fulltext and Sofia Discovery tool for articles only. - Old Testament Abstracts
Indexes the scholarly literature, journal articles and books, on Old Testament studies, 1978 onwards. Includes abstracts.Links to fulltext and Sofia Discovery tool for articles only. - Philosophers' Index
Includes abstracts. Covers the literature of philosophy and related areas. Links to Sofia Discovery tool and fulltext. - Religious and Theological Abstracts
Provides objective summaries of articles appearing in scholarly journals in the fields of Religion and Theology. This database also lists a wide variety of periodical literature, including Christian, Jewish, and other World religions and provides English language abstracts of articles in English, Hebrew, Afrikaans, and major European languages. - Sociological Abstracts
Abstracts of articles in sociology and related areas, such as anthropology and religion. 1963 onwards. Links to Sofia Discovery tool and fulltext. - Social Sciences Citation Index and Humanities Citation Index through Web of Science
Citation databases allow identification of the number of times a particular work or author is cited in the literature as well as topic, keyword, related records and author searches on over 1,000 humanities and 1,700 social sciences journals. Most records include abstracts. 1989 onwards. Links to Sofia Discovery tool and fulltext.
- Bibliography of Asian Studies
Indexes western-language monographs, articles and book chapters on all parts of Asia . No abstracts. No links to Sophia Discovery tool or fulltext. - Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index
Covers journal articles, book reviews, dissertations, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. No links to Sophia Discovery tool or fulltext. - Historical Abstracts
Includes abstracts. Covers the history of all countries of the world except the United States and Canada (see America: History and Life) since 1450. - Humanities Index
Indexing from 1984 onwards (with abstracts from 1994) to articles in over major periodicals in the humanities, including theology and religion. - International Medieval Bibliography
Includes abstracts. Multilingual coverage of the literature on the Middle Ages, 1967 onwards. No links to Sophia Discovery tool or fulltext. - RAMBI
Index of articles in Jewish Studies selected on the basis of their value for research. Multilingual. 1966- . No links to Sophia Discovery tool or fulltext.
For a complete list of databases relevant to Religions and Cultures research use the Concordia Libraries Database Finder.