
Databases (to find articles and more)
Suggested Databases:
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLAS Serials
This is the main database for Religious Studies. It covers world religions, Bible Studies, Church history, and religious perspectives on social issues. It includes articles from journals, essays from multi-author works, and book reviews. No abstracts. 1949-onwards. Updated semi-annually.
Searching Scriptures in ATLA Religion Database (video tutorial)
Searching against subject headings for sacred texts of world religion in
the ATLA Religion Database (video tutorial)
- New Testament Abstracts
Indexes the scholarly literature, journal articles and books, on New Testament studies, from 1985 onwards. Includes abstracts. Links to fulltext and Sofia Discovery tool for articles only.
- Old Testament Abstracts
Indexes the scholarly literature, journal articles and books, on Old Testament studies, 1978 onwards. Includes abstracts.Links to fulltext and Sofia Discovery tool for articles only.
All Databases recommended for Theological Studies
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To find all Databases recommended for Theological Studies
To find all Databases recommended for Theological Studies