Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

This is not a complete list. For more titles, please check Sofia Discovery tool or consult the Subject Librarian.
- The A to Z of Catholicism (2001)
- The Anchor Bible dictionary (1992) [6 v.]
- Concise Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church (2000)
- A dictionary of the Bible (2009)
- Dictionary of Bible place names (1970)
- Dictionary of biblical interpretation (1999)
- Dictionary of Christian art (2001)
- Dictionary of Christian biography (2001)
- Dictionary of Christian denominations (2003)
- A dictionary of early Christian beliefs: a reference guide to more than 700 topics discussed by the early church fathers (1998)
- Dictionary of the ecumenical movement (2002)
- Dictionary of ethics, theology and society (1996)
- Dictionary of feminist theologies (1996)
- The dictionary of historical theology (2000)
- Dictionary of major biblical interpreters (2007)
- Dictionary of the Old Testament: historical books (2005)
- Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch (2003)
- Dictionary of the Old Testament: wisdom, poetry & writings (2008)
- Dictionary of Paul and his letters (1993)
- Dictionary of religious orders (2001)
- Dictionnaire biographique des évêques catholiques du Canada (2002)
- Eerdmans dictionary of the Bible (2000)
- Essential theological terms (2005)
- Evangelical dictionary of theology (2001)
- Global dictionary of theology: a resource for the worldwide church (2008)
- Historical dictionary of the Holiness movement (2001)
- The Interpreter's dictionary of the Bible: an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha ...: supplementary volume (1976)
- The IVP dictionary of the New Testament: a one-volume compendium of contemporary biblical scholarship (2004)
- The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church (2005)
- The Oxford dictionary of saints (2004)
- The Routledge dictionary of religious & spiritual quotations (2000)
- The Westminster dictionary of New Testament and early Christian literature and rhetoric (2003)
- Westminster dictionary of theological terms (1996)

This is not a complete list. For more titles, please check the Sofia Discovery tool or consult the Subject Librarian.
- Archaeological encyclopedia of the Holy Land (2001)
- Augustine through the ages: an encyclopedia (1999)
- The Blackwell encyclopedia of modern Christian thought (1993)
- The Catholic encyclopedia: an international work of reference on the constitution, doctrine, discipline, and history of the Catholic Church (1907-12) [10 v.]
- Companion encyclopedia of theology (1995)
- The encyclopedia of American Catholic history (1997)
- Encyclopedia of applied ethics (1998)
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception (2008-2017)
This electronic resource is to be published over a projected period of about ten years, and presently covers the letter A. - Encyclopedia of Christianity (1999-2008)
- Encyclopedia of ethical, legal, and policy issues in biotechnology (2000)
- Encyclopedia of ethics (2001)
- Encyclopedia of evangelicalism (2002)
- Encyclopedia of monasticism (2000)
- Encyclopedia of religion (2005)
- Encyclopedia of saints (2001)
- Encyclopedia of science and religion (2003)
- Encyclopedia of the Vatican and papacy (1999)
- Encyclopedia of women in religious art (1996)
- The international standard Bible encyclopedia (1979-1988)
- Jesus in history, thought and culture: an encyclopedia (2003)
- Modern Christian art (1965)
- The new Catholic encyclopedia (2003) [10 v.]
- New Catholic encyclopedia: jubilee volume : the Wojtyla years (2001)
- New Catholic encyclopedia supplement 2009 (2010)
- The new encyclopedia of Judaism (2002)
- The papacy: an encyclopedia (2002)
- Religions of the world: a comprehensive encyclopedia of beliefs and practices (2002)
- The Thomas Merton encyclopedia (2002)
- World Christian encyclopedia: a comparative survey of churches and religions in the modern world(2001)