Topic: in memoriam

David Durham (1997 – 2021)
November 10, 2021

Nadia Chaudhri (1978 – 2021): ‘She was a force of nature’
October 6, 2021

Anthony Costanzo (1938-2021): ‘Tony’s was a powerful voice’
September 8, 2021

Remembering the victims of COVID-19
March 8, 2021

Passing of Prof. Ramesh Sharma – A Lifelong Teacher of Physics
January 24, 2021

Andra McCartney (1955-2019): ‘She taught me how to listen’
January 19, 2021

New trees on Loyola Campus commemorate Concordia professors
December 17, 2020

Donna Caputo (1969-2020) ‘always thinking of others before herself’
December 2, 2020

In memory of Jean Chapman
September 28, 2020

In memoriam – Mario Falsetto
July 29, 2020

In Memoriam: Professor Terry Fancott (1939-2020)
June 22, 2020

‘I take peace in knowing Sara and Siavash were so happy together’
February 12, 2020

'We are devastated by this tragic loss'
January 9, 2020